The Titanic takes 5 more

Greetings members and readers, The day the Titanic sailed on it’s maiden voyage was the Great Adventure of the moment, from Europe to New York and speed could help make the voyage more meaningful, sensational and would speak to high profits on future voyages. As...

State of the Union 6/11/23

Greetings Members and Readers, We are so proud and pumped up that the silent majority is FINALLY showing itself.  Hopefully,  it is not too little, too late! Target has lost 10 billion dollars with a B to date since their silly attempt to appease the sexually...

Pondering Trump

Greetings members and readers, Sometimes we are confronted with a topic that is difficult to broach.  We need to see things as they are rather than what we wish them to be. This country is almost voluntarily confused!  We are led daily by all sorts of stimuli that are...

Great New Strides by Biden, et al to calm our fears

Greeting, Members and readers, 30,000 views to date.  Great.  Thank you. There are more important happenings showing themselves in recent times that are going to have great impact on our trek to reverse the direction of this country and calm the world down a bit. They...


Greetings members and readers, PUT YOUR HIP BOOTS ON, THIS IS DEEP.  If we don’t act and get rid of our present day leaders, none of us are going to have any boots within a decade. If any at all, they will be Chinese Worker Bee boots provided by our employer...

So,You Want To Kill The Petro Industry?

Greetings Members and Readers, There is much concern among consumers about the present day trends to kill the petroleum industry and how that will affect us all.  And then, there is the military to consider.  How will they fare. First, if that happens, we will need...