Greetings Members and Readers,
We are in spring time, we have gotten thru a simple, predictable eclipse, and our borders are still wide open.
The event that clogs our transmission gears with sludge and saw dust is the trial beginning today in NY trying Trump for all sorts of suggested illegalities. Most of the astute followers of all of this feel that this is overblown, contrived and concocted to punish Trump for filing as a candidate for President of The United States of America. It does remain to be seen if he has been able to put together an impartial jury and it is easy to determine that gaining a fair trial for concocted transgressions will be no easy feat.
One thing is for sure. If he is convicted, there will be such an uproar in the aftermath of said trial that it is hard to conclude if his election bid will be shut down and for what reason. It is possible that he (Trump) will be the first write in candidate to win the presidency while in Jail. It is, oh so evident that the Judicial System is plagued with a biased disease that does not resemble Democracy or Constitutional due diligence.
Please note that Trump does not have to do this for our country. He could just back off, play golf at any one of his clubs, wine and dine at his house in Palm Beach, go for a cruise on his boat or jet off with his beautiful wife to more accommodating environments. He is risking it all to help save our country. Fact. We should honor his decision to hang in there to his personal detriment.
Just down the Street, Colombia University is falling apart. Protests at NYU, NYC, Yale, Brown, Northwestern, Vanderbilt and Princeton, influenced by prejudicial activity against the Jews, are a racially inspired continuation of the protests as seen recently regarding the Israeli/Hamas war that is taking place daily in Gaza. Elementary Jihad.
The so called students are just a small representation of those demonstrating against Israel and their response to being attacked on October 7th this year. The largest part of those demonstrating are not students but are rather, paid participants from all parts of our country. They are all screaming Death to America, Death to the Jews and Infidels, from the river to the Sea, which encompasses all of the state of Israel, demanding their land back that was deemed the rightful state of Israel in 1948. No one can tell us where Palestine was or is or where these folks came from historically. Perhaps they came from the Philistines. No one can figure out the crime in progress especially since Hamas perpetrated the sneak attack upon the State of Israel where atrocious acts of horror was dished out to Israeli elders, women and children. Israels reaction is simply another response to a war that is not new.
Maybe those Hamas acts of aggression should have been weighed against the repercussions now seen. In other words, Don’t poke the bear cubs with a sharp stick unless you are ready to deal with Mama Bear. When several other military/terrorists type entities and other countries begin to pile on in the Israeli/Hamas fray, don’t be surprised when all the bears in the woods begin to join in.
Importantly, we, The United States of America, are and have long been a Declared Ally of the country of Israel (since day one) and because of that, no one should be surprised when we honor that declaration. In no way does our alliance with Israel allow us, The USA, to dictate to Israel how they should proceed to protect their country. Their is no way that a bunch of spoiled, two faced, naive students led by their paid co-participants will or should sway Israel’s methods of protecting their country other than previously agreed constraints by international law.
Our Ivy leagues schools seem to have lost their way in honoring consistent freedoms offered us all by the constitution such as Freedom of Speech.
It is a fearful thing to see with our own eyes what our present administration is doing to further life, liberty and happiness in our country. NOTHING!
As demonstrated above, the unintelligible actions of our Judicial System and our major college campuses are just a few of many things gone wrong within our democracy, not to mention the insanity on our borders.
Even if Trump is found behind bars, we pray that he will be elected as our new Sanity in Chief on election day. He will straighten all this out in One day.
Presently, it seems that our right to self determination, our rights of freedom of speech, the government’s responsibility to protect it’s citizenry from without and from within our borders and our right to safely pursue life, liberty and happiness is for some undisclosed reason being stomped to death before our eyes.
Things are about to get really tough in this country if we do not begin, once again, to embrace the intent of our constitution and apply some sanity to the present day indiscretions perpetrated upon us in the name of some new woke methods of pitiful government and social equilibrium. We are not required to endure threats to our safety, well being or our national security under the guise of the 1st amendment.
When a Professor or a student, Jews, can not go onto a campus to teach or learn, for fear of their lives or well being, things have slipped down the slippery slope for sure. DEI has become the ultimate reverse discrimination and religious freedom and creed have become measuring sticks for that discrimination.
One day soon, our silly attempts to govern ourselves with a form of non-government will come home to roost via roving gangs recently from across our borders where the only people that have money or gainful employment will be those that are hauling with them from across the above mentioned borders, deadly drugs and minors that are up for sale.
Don’t worry Mr. Trump, campaigning or not, we, the new majority are with you for the win.
Happily or unhappily, depending upon your view, there are gargantuan prophetic implications in what we are seeing now that mirror the warnings in our bible reflecting things as they have been for 3000 years. The Jews have been persecuted for just that many years and there are dues, according to the Bible, to be paid God if these persecutions continue.
We want our country and ourselves to be on the right side of those actions for easily discerned reasons.
Most do not grasp that these protestors are embracing and cheering the charter of Hamas, the atrocities of October 7th, and the pitfalls of war in general. Most do not know where Gaza is located, what the Hamas charter says and would probably lie down on the ground in a fetal position and cry if they actually heard the sound of a nearby bomb, gun or rocket go off in their proximity. It is easy to be passionate about an issue if you do not know what the issues are, if your are planning a visit to Starbucks after the protest, or if you are simply a paid demonstrator soon to be back home with a bit of cash in your pocket. But these games are real and can turn nasty in a nano-second with international implications. It will be tough to wake up one day and realize that many have traded their freedoms found nowhere else for a pair of Nikes.
Other than the rush of the moment, most of these folks do not consider in the heat of that moment, what can actually develop. They find comfort in the midst of their protesting comrades, in the lark of the spotlight and with the decompressing of the moment never to consider the weirdo or a group of weirdos that show up with a rifle(s) that suddenly takes deadly aim at any group.
Worse, how are these air heads, homosexuals and women going to fare when Sharia Law is applied to these mamby pamby folks that have compromised their freedoms for Hamas.
Read this: Charter of Hamas link
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