Trump Lives After Shooting

Wounded, bleeding, and defiantly shaking his fist, Trump is escorted off the stage into his SUV. An anti sniper team took out the shooter apparently from an unknown distance — shot him in the head and he is history. As stated in previous writings, these...

Astounded with Continued dishonesty

Members and Readers, The executive Carnival ramps up dishonesty to new heights. Today, Biden did a radio interview that was taped and lo and behold, afterward his handlers reviewed the interview and then sternly requested that certain parts of that tape be removed to...

Media, et al, Steps on It’s Own Forked Tail

Greetings Members and Readers, We think that Joe should “Run Baby Run” so that Trump can “Drill Baby Drill”. As stated in a previous writing, “They are our Best Hope” 11/2021, the Democrats have painted themselves into a perfect...

Selling Democracy Suggestively

We must understand words Greetings Members and Readers: To get right into my message I will say that in our society, many are purposefully skewing words, their use and their definitions. We must become more careful and vet the use of all words or terms when they are...

How could any one name her “Joy”

Greetings Members and Readers, Yep, We wonder how sometimes names given to a new born child seem to fit. Some kid named SKY ends up a pilot or an astronaut. A female child named Charity ends up a Nun or a female evangelist — you get it. It does happen. There is...