Good Morning,


We are listening to several thousand people chew on the recent attempt on Trump’s life.

It is observed that their are many times more people involved in trying figure out what happened and how it happened than there were at the sight when this incident occurred. Having said that, we can conclude that budgetary concerns are not a consideration with post investigation personnel but there were budgetary restraints for real time protection. If so, We have got that backwards.

We could go on and on ciphering the events of that incident and spend tons of money to simply determine what we already know. SOMEONE SHOULD HAVE BEEN ON THAT ROOF!

A Boy Scout troop could have made that decision while enjoying hot dogs over a campfire the night before the rally. A small town police department could have seen that roof top coverage was necessary for all nearby buildings over pizza at lunch the day of the shooting. A local Civil Air Patrol group could have made the same determination after doing a simple fly over the morning of the shooting. Most probably, a fire department would have made that determination with simple common sense.

So, one more time, our experts are deficient for some reason, to see what a group of people could have easily see even though they had no education or expertise specific to the subject matter.

Whether the shooter is determined to be “one more nut job” or an illegal alien from Iran or a participant of an inside job is now the question. How can we cough and stutter about who might have perpetrated this job, especially when we have 12,000,000 potential suspects that have come over the border, when we know that there are thousands of people within that group that are HERE to do evil.

It appears that there is not very much that works in the USA anymore.  The spin and and the lies are pretty confusing for most these days, trust is lost and as a result, we all spend a lot of time wondering what happened to the truth.  Inside job, multiple co-incidence, sloth, DEI and it’s inherent incompetence, etc.?

The simplest of questions:  Why is no one on that roof?  How many drones do we have in the air?  Are they a uniform color?  Whose drone is the black one?  Where is the helicopter?  Are security participants on the same radio channel?

These are questions that any and the most elementary level of security services would have asked!

We, as a country, have become the laughing stock of the world, an embarrassment to ourselves and so incompetent that we allow a balloon the size of a small bus to fly over our country without a care.  Only when some farmer made a call were any authorities alerted. 

We are sleepier than Joe.  It is time for an awakening because we are in the midst of a great manipulation that is beginning to feel like a covert revolution already taking place.

We suggest that there are unspoken reasons that our government does not work anymore and unhappily, it is no co-incidence.  The fact is that we are compromised from within and it is becoming so consistent that we can begin to call it a clear and present danger to our country, our freedoms and our individual well being.

God help us, if for no other reason, we seem to be preoccupied with other business that does not include truth, or sustained life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness.

Our vote should not and can not be influenced by superfluous emotional determinations, not about gender, white guilt, skin color, pie in the sky or personality, it must be influenced by policy that is best for our nation.  Or we will lose our nation as we know it via a willingness to trade the essential for the inconsequential.

It is said daily that race in our country should not be a determining factor for anything, yet that is always the first question asked on any form or any issue.