Wounded, bleeding, and defiantly shaking his fist, Trump is escorted off the stage into his SUV.

An anti sniper team took out the shooter apparently from an unknown distance — shot him in the head and he is history.

As stated in previous writings, these degenerates will do anything to keep their power so as to continue the destruction of our country but more importantly to protect themselves from their discovered transgressions and the justice coming their way. So much for the open border.

DEI is showing itself to become what we all believed would happen. Unqualified personnel that can’t find a drone for a roof top just 100 yards away. Bystander seeing the shooter where the cops and agents couldn’t more lost. Cops in the building and a shooter on the roof. Fortunately, we had a few alert enough to end the shooting, but only a minute later.

The vitriol coming from some media pundits and the Biden campaign referring to Trump as an enemy of democracy or Hitler re-incarnated needs to stop. Biden says, “let’s make Trump a target”. Cute campaign slogans are a long way from lying to the pubic to gain a headline. Extreme suggestions made to get a headline are taken seriously by some whose father owns a rifle that is not properly locked away. You folks are complicit with Trump blood on your mics, your keyboards and your note paper.

Thank the good Lord that Trump lives with minor injuries to his ear and maybe cheek. He is one tough SOB to rise in defiant anger before thousands of supporters. We can bet our all that he will be relentless at his own personal peril to protect us and our country.

This is a man that has been persecuted beyond imagination that has every right to be comfortably ensconced at Mira Lago, playing golf, enjoying his family and having dinner with his beautiful wife that has made a conscious choice to risk it all to protect us and our country. The trajectory of the bullet that injured his ear missed his head by mere millimeters.

We must move toward him with an extreme appreciation regarding his sacrifice and support him in his selfless efforts to make a difference for us.

As you can see, Trump’s opponents know that Trump is a threat to them and that they are losing in every way while they try to convince us that Trump is the bad guy.

Prayers are in order for Trump, our country and for ourselves. This turns out to be no game.

Be Aware: The forces against Trump have truly opened the flood gates to a Trump landslide and have fomented the awakening of the sleeping silent majority. They seem to be having a very bad month and it will get worse for them.

Beware: To those that should hear this. There is a reckoning coming, hopefully thru peaceful means.