Dear Lord,
We have founded our country with you many years ago and for that long you have granted us a protective veil to ward off and to defend us from the power of evil.
Since our founding we have made great strides to improve ourselves, some of which include ending the debacle of slavery and their lack of human rights while we shed the foot of a monarchy that did not offer us representation at the table of an absentee government or the right to worship as we please.
We, under your countenance, under your protective veil, have separated ourselves from English rule, landed in the right place after our civil war and preserved our union. We have defeated the Nazis and Japanese empires to preserve freedom as we have known it and were among those instrumental in founding the official country of Israel in 1948 within your prescribed land mass.
We have turned our attention toward civil rights for all and have legislated against the argument of skin color.
Much progress has been made toward becoming one people under God, (you) pursuing Life, Liberty and Happiness under your cloak of protection offered us by the advent of Jesus Christ, our savior and our liaison to you, your countenance, and your grace. We know that our above mentioned successes did not come from our efforts alone and are aware that you guide us and help us move all obstacles to further your will.
We are a sinful people, denying you in pursuit of earthly riches, ego, rationalizing the acceptance of evil, where all things now are beginning to align themselves toward the stage soon set that will accommodate the antichrist and his one world reign of terror, plague, famine, suffering and death.
Please know that there are millions of us that have accepted your invitation and strive to understand your wishes for us, as we grow in Christ. We understand that we, individually, live under your cloak of protection even as our government leaders go astray. We understand that our country is in jeopardy to lose your grace even as much of our population remains steadfast in you.
Give us the opportunity to re-align our government to your expectations as we once again return to the fold as a nation to represent you by our actions offering your light to the rest of the world while we battle Satan and keep our independence with great strength.
Forgive us our national sins, lead us to a better path as a country, forgive our leaders and help us replace all those that lead in this ungodly manner. May we return to the world as an example of Christianity and Liberty as we offer the world a great beacon of hope from a mountain of resolve, charity, fairness and love. May they, our leaders, practice our Democratic Republic with divine strength to protect us and perpetuate our God given freedoms for ourselves and the world.
Lord, grant us the opportunity to right our ship so that we may continue to live under your protective veil while we lead the world to a better place, all the while denying evil and it’s ever increasing presence in our country and the world.
In Jesus Christ’s name
We pray.
Awesome prayer and point on, we continually ask for grace . We certainly appreciate your love and patience.
In his loving name.
Thank you Gail, love your comments These times are difficult to digest and we forget sometimes that which we have and the miracle of each new day.
Great prayer. I am in agreement with you. Thank you Lord for your grace.