Greetings Members and Readers:

To get right into my message I will say that in our society, many are purposefully skewing words, their use and their definitions. We must become more careful and vet the use of all words or terms when they are used to convey any message, especially regarding our governance.

We hear the term “Democracy” a lot these days in sentences like, “Trump, the right or Republicans are a threat to “Democracy”. We consider this statement when seeing it and believe that we know what the word democracy means.

Therefore, we believe that what is said is that someone or some entity is trying to tear down our way of governing. We decide that we need to thwart those that are against democracy because democracy is a good thing and our country IS a democracy. So we allow, support or enable those who are pro democracy and that is where we begin to lose our way of life.

The Bible calls this intelligent deceit which is described otherwise as a satanic manipulation through our erroneous assumptions.


Democracy is a governing by majority rule or possibly mob rule. If we can dumb down our voters, convince them that “freedom of speech” is a bad thing and gain a majority consensus, we can destroy our first amendment. Thus, we have voted for one less freedom by using a majority rule vote. THAT IS democracy. Our founding fathers knew that and created a different form of democracy.

We live under what is called a Democratic Republic which is entirely different than pure democracy.

Any democratic republic has as a cornerstone, a written document that must be observed and obeyed first. Our form of government is a “democratic constitutional republic” where our constitution and our bill of rights gives us a highway to democracy stabilized by our constitution that protects our right to govern ourselves within the boundaries of that constitution.

So in the case written above, the 1st amendment and the constitution does not allow us to vote against one of our foundational rights. Such a vote is simply off the table thus, though the majority rules, we remain governed with free speech always in place as the 1st amendment is hands off and can not be threatened, altered or removed.

Our constitutional republic protects us from rogue majority rule. We will only exist within the constitution and the bill of rights in place where the states have individual rights within the Fed. Ex: Abortion and the parameters of that event is now decided by each individual state and the federal government has no jurisdiction therein. With all the hubub, abortion is not Federally banned, the issue is simply moved back to the states where it should have always been. Each state gets to decide their stance on abortion and the minutia within that decision. It is possible to have 5o different decisions on abortion, one in each state. Some may say no, some may say yes, and some may have a split decision with caveats. That is a constitutional republic where sovereign states decide for themselves in THESE United States of America.

Having said all this, it is instantly evident that “Democracy” becomes an enemy of a constitutional republic. So, YES, Trump, the Right and the Republicans ARE are a threat to democracy and thankfully so because, now we have clarity as a democratic constitutional republic keeps our rights in place, ad infinitum and a democracy does NOT!

For further understanding, please invest in a 30 minute video by Jack Hibbs. It will clarify the trap that we are regularly subjected to and the danger found in using words incorrectly manipulated to further the demise of our “Constitutional Republic”. There is great danger in this deceit as we can become the victims of our own assumptions.

It is no accident that the left, the dems, and Biden would have you moved to protect democracy and when that happens in a majority, we will lose all our cherished Rights thru mob majority rule. Hitler had the citizens of Germany vote themselves into purgatory via a Hitler youth program and a fear campaign. It is so!

Note that these facts of our formation and American History are no longer taught in schools.. WE wonder why or why not?

The two most emancipating documents ever written are the Constitution of these United States including the Bill of rights and the Bible including the Ten Commandments and yet, we spend a lot of time trying to tear them down, a splendid example of the self destructive arrogance of mankind.

We seem to wish for dark self-incarceration led by the selfish and blind as opposed to practicing and protecting these two ideas to know the freedom of a bright life and afterlife.

If our apathy and ignorance continues, we will surely come the know only the former.

Please view: just a click away. Just one little click with the tiny movement of one finger can cement for you just who we are as a nation and an individual of that nation by God’s Good Grace!