Well, once again, the lies and misrepresentation have caught Biden with his hand in the Cookie Jar today.

After purportedly having had jet lag for 10 days, then a horrible debate that did publicly depict how he is most of the time, he made excuses that he had a cold and then somebody blamed Covid.

Since then, Trump has won back his honor due to supreme court rulings and a few judges have backed away from some of his cases not to mention one that was simply dismissed in Florida. These are things that are in themselves rather tiring especially when one realizes that their overt and covert attempts to take Trump out of the race are backfiring like a big string of firecrackers… Every time one of these events is reported and concluded, Biden more and more has to begin to accept that, to date, Trump lives and is enduring and looming in his strength.

In recent days we have all experienced a real assassination attempt on Trump’s life and simultaneously, we find that the government security force management is as lacking as Biden. This revelation does seem to conjure up strange thoughts that Barney and Andy from Mayberry could have done a better job securing Trump at this rally especially if they had deputized Otis and Floyd.

Daily, we hear how the “pile on” for Biden to resign is growing and growing.

It is no wonder that the American public has simply lost trust in all things Biden including the various departments within his administration.

Biden is breaking slowly, both physically and in his ability to remember his tales. They changed hourly.

A week ago he was running for the office again. Four days ago, he was running a Thousand Percent. Two days ago, he said he would only drop out if his was sick and today, he has contracted COVID again. He could hardly get up the steps on the plane minutes after he told a reporter that he was feeling great. Covid could be in play or it is one more lie. There is not much Covid seen around these days but ……. we give him the benefit of the doubt, even though he has shown himself a consummate liar.

Does he not realize how transparent he has become. Now he has decided that a screaming display of anger is the answer to his weakness, followed by a bunch of whispering. My Mother in Law scared me more than Biden does on his angriest day, she was unhinged for sure.

The smoke is clearing more and more, the spin is predictable and stale, the threats are unacceptable, donations have dried up, his policies are terrible and there are not enough free loading students with college debt to get him his votes. When Adam Schiff starts to “Nay Say” your bid for the presidency, that means that he is feeling the long arm of justice looking up his skirt. You are only valuable to him if you win and can protect him. Duh!

So, Joe, maybe you have realized that you are getting kicked to the curb. It looks like you are setting the stage to make good on your declaration to resign if you get sick and Wow, your doctor just told you today that you are sick!

What’s next Joe?

Just remember Joe, as Peter Navarro said tonight, “WE GOT THIS”!