Members and Readers,
The executive Carnival ramps up dishonesty to new heights.
Today, Biden did a radio interview that was taped and lo and behold, afterward his handlers reviewed the interview and then sternly requested that certain parts of that tape be removed to avoid gaffs, lies, and absent moments. Same ole same ole.
We simply can not trust anything about Biden or reports of his NEW and Refreshed Demeanor.
You’d think that these imperiled Democrats would have finally gotten the message that their deceit has been uncovered and so have they.
With that revelation, we were probably expecting them to steer this vehicle with a bit more care and look for a permanent parking space, but NO! It is just more of the same with increased micro-management to hide the truth about our president, his priorities and his acuity.
The strangest thing that can be gleaned from the “discovery” expressed after the debate is the conclusion that Biden’s managers, et. al., have made the decision that we will forget what we saw and heard and that they can hide and spin at an increased rate to convince us to disbelieve our lying ears and eyes.
Though Biden’s policies have proven to be poor where he has damaged not only our economy, our culture and our psyche, he has embarrassed us on the international stage demonstrating just how vulnerable we are and have been for years.
The statement written above is reason enough to move our vote to the right, but for us, the biggest issue has become the continued disrespect that Biden, (including Jill, Hunter, executive handlers, etc.) offer us ad infinitum. We wonder what it is like to know such Entitlement. These people believe that our previous votes give them permission to abuse us rather than respect us and honor their fiduciary responsibility to empower and protect us. It turns out that we need to be protected from them!
The Democratic party and Biden’s campaign is consumed with a level of deceit, dishonesty and corruption that is hardly describable.
After being manipulated and publicly disrespected with deceit, lies, and spin for decades, we are confronted now with a group that believe that we will disrespect ourselves further by offering up our vote to the most conniving, A moral, entitled despots in the history of our country.
Let us take up a collection, buy Biden an ice cream cart and give him a job as the Senatorial Ice Cream Man. Dr. Jill could manage a capitol building kindergarten. They would both be happier and we would be once again safe and Free.
How can such an immoral and devious group claim to be leading us to a higher ground?
When are we going to remember that these people work for us to do our bidding within the construct of a Constitutional Republic? We are not fodder available to be abused, we are stockholders in the Corporation of the USA and we expect to be rewarded by our CEO’s efforts or we will can and will remove him from that office.
Be Aware: The curtain has been pulled and the Wizard and his machine have been uncovered.
Everyone acknowledges it except the Wizard! Is that denial, absence of mind or an overt disdain for, We the People?
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