D Day occurred 80 years ago, today.
It was probably the largest example of commitment and logistics ever to be seen in the world to date, both wars in Europe and with Japan. To summon such power to the shores of Normandy while fighting another war in the pacific is something that no one in Europe or Japan ever imagined possible. It is a sure thing, that a few days after Normandy became a known reality, there was a lot of puckering going on in Germany as well as in the Pacific. Talk about awakening a sleeping Giant. Yep!
Thousands of men and machines showed up on the shores of Normandy committed to free France from German occupation and ultimately, take Germany to end the war in Europe. This flow of men and equipment continued from the shores of Normandy into Europe, ad infinitum.
Germany proved to be at that time, strong, but not nearly as strong as it could have been. Hitler and his leadership were encumbered with the lack of air protection (because the allies took them out systematically before the landing), losses in previous battles in Africa and Italy, poor communications, green troops that were confined by Hitlers edicts, ego and emotionalism. Many of his top generals were doubtful, depressed, and beginning to understand that they were to eventually be defeated. Hitler often ignored competent advice gathered from his elite officers and often they were set against each other due to the peculiar chain of command influenced by Hitler’s distrust or lack of confidence that he had with most of his commanders.
All of this, exacerbated by a much more streamline command structure found in the Allied forces coupled with the fact that he, Hitler, was facing the full weight of allied industrial power and committed brave men in full resolve. He had no idea what he would be facing.
There is much to say about that war, just know that Paris fell in 7 weeks and Berlin perished along with Hitler in just under a year.
It is or was an astounding accomplishment that pretty much saved the world as we know it today. Hitler already had engineers, etc. designing “his western offices” in our country. He truly planned a world take over where his Nazis would rule.
Most incredible was the individual commitment and bravery demonstrated in the allied forces where most enlistees were under 25 years of age that possessed a real determination to risk it all to unseat Hitler. God Bless them all.
We should be embarrassed to be presently confronted with such apathy and the absence of those traits shown us by our boys then. They died so that we might continue our quests for freedom with the opportunity to life, liberty and happiness. DEI in it’s present day form will not work in time of war.
Diversity was surely present at Normandy, Equity was the amount of ammo you had squirreled away in your vest or if you lived long enough to eat your Hersey bar and inclusion was that you were there, included with all the rest to conquer or die or both. The only flags flying were the allied flags and the Swastika.
We are not really sure how our citizenry would fare these days when acknowledging the naive and distracted selfishness found in the halls of social media, showing off vacation photos to become special or adding various sections of the alphabet to your name to define one’s gender.
We feel comfortable to say that the Germans, the Japanese, the Koreans, or the Vietcong did not care about gender, unless it was severed from your body and jammed into your dying throat as seen in the Pacific and Vietnam. Pretty gross description of the acts of war but it is not much different than putting babies into microwave ovens in Gaza, is it? That should get “our 8 second sound bite” attention but it doesn’t. We still have mamby pamby demonstrators crying “Death to America” that will perish first if they get what they are chanting.
We need to settle back into the notion that the world is still a dangerous place with many Hitler types present readying to once again challenge us and our creed. It is happening now and we need to unite in that understanding because there will be no discussion involved when Hamas begins throwing Gays off the tenth floor in New York,
We need all those “toxic” males to help protect us, the frail, weak, elderly and sissies, not to forget our way of life!
We can fight them or throw rainbow flags at the them.
Choose your poison!
So heart breaking , They were the bravest men. I am ever indebted.