TPP is very relieved that the oppressors of parents being dictated to by arrogant school boards, are at this time, fully reprimanded, ultra taxation has been addressed, and socialistic WOKE temperament has been severely discounted. Over reaction to COVID measures have been noted and Democracy has shown itself in the heartland of freedom.
The Lame stream media has once again ignored this perfect storm in Virginia and a flooded landscape in New Jersey while clinging to their steadfast refusal to accept and report that the previously assumed position that all of America is on board with the declaration of rampant racism, and insecure WOKEness is simply false.
This magnificent rising of the American people in Virginia and New Jersey will create a ripple effect immediately in present Democratic agendas and any moderate democratic congressmen or senators are already reticent to associate their precarious offices with the insecure and ineffective WOKE
Nancy will stutter for a week, Joe will be even more glassy eyed and the squad will become demonstrably loud and arrogant, showing great and hurried desperation. The 3.5 Trillion dollar bill is dead and the 1.5 trillion dollar compromise just got changed to a ten dollar tip at a nearby restaurant.
This reality will further prove the earlier statement in the article, FEAR, that We the people will show up with the right tools for the right reasons at the right time aided by Great Clarity and Resolve, not fear.
Thanks to Trump for assisting and supporting these folks in Virginia without asserting himself publicly. He is maturing and becoming a more reasonable and skillful leader of the people and rather a King Maker then in fact, a king.
We have just witnessed two decidedly blue fail safe states turn RED electing a Christian man that believes in God, family, work, the constitution and rails against over taxation without moral representation. The Ground Swell begins… The rest of us have thoroughly been awakened. And we Thank our God.
Ambassador to TTP
W Churchill always said that the American people could always be counted on to do the right thing–after they had exhausted every other possibility.
Praise the Lord! Some good news!
Lately, it’s been “the news is all bad, & now, for the weather.” I love the Winston Churchill quote! Even if we loose let’s put up a real fight! Eternity is forever, this life is not!
Jade, Thank you so much for checking out the site.
We need you, appreciate you and want to ease your pain with at least straightforward discussion and as well some reasonable ideas on at how to understand some of these misguided folks that only get their information from emotional 8 second soundbites.
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I enjoyed this topic. I think we will see more and more actions that will prove that good does prevail.