Greetings Members and Readers,
The Super Bowl is done! By any measure, the game was one of the best football contests ever! Two great football powers grind it out to determine a victor. Both teams were winners. One came up short on points. We were invited to observe the results of their work and we were seriously entertained and perhaps a bit humbled. Importantly, we were able to glean from their efforts the fruits of hard work, talent, and focus.
The game was a demonstration of excellence, perseverance, few errors and in many instances — distances of millimeters. A forced fumble, a barely tipped ball, record field goals, or an interception pretty much decided the game. The management of emotions, ego, mature execution, guarded panic, field position and time is generally what wins these types of clashes — we all wish we could find such commitment and effort within the rest of our society.
No one was worrying themselves with race, sexual persuasion, gender, equity or unworthy inclusion. The players that saw playing time were simply the best choices of either coach that were determined to be the most contributory to team effort and goals in the moment: Simply to win within the rules of the game.
There were times of seeming bedlam and chaos but anarchy was absent! It was simply a ferocious game governed by expert and focused players, leaders, management and rules.
Without rules or football law, the game could have become no game at all, just a bunch of big fellows pushing one another around by any method so desired to achieve a win with no honor or skill, other than the power of brute force. The rules make the game.
Oh, to know such clarity in our daily lives and our government.
Our government leaders do not demonstrate to us such skills, preparedness, commitment or goals as defined by OUR nation’s game plan. (The Constitution)
Rather than hammer one more time on the unraveling of our country with descriptive statements, let’s do an interrogative study. Then we can make our own determinations based upon our individual responses.
- What society can succeed without the rule of law? Name one?
- What are our goals as a nation? Who decides those goals? When were they decided?
- Should there be a place for God in our lives and our nation?
- Is our Constitution our written game plan and what does it say?
- Do some of us have a right to NOT contribute toward our game plan?
- For those non-contributors, should there be monied support provided to them by the rest of us or should one reap what he sows?
- Can you run your home or business by consistently relying on borrowing? Can you carry 30 times your income in debt and make it thru the day? For how long? Will there be a time of reckoning?
- Can you enjoy a clean, prosperous and safe home all the while accepting tens of overnight strangers randomly without vetting them along the way? Should they contribute to your household expenses as they come and go. Are they granted the opportunity to enjoy your wife, eat your children’s food, or drive your car during their stay and upon leaving, is it OK for them to remove your TV and a few pieces of your clothing? Will you provide to them a debit card during their stay and after they leave? How long can one continue that practice?
- Are firearms a reasonable method to protect your home, your family and your property when confronted with violent intrusion?
- If guns are outlawed, who will still possess guns?
- Will new gun laws stop bad people from owning guns? Do cocaine laws stop people from having cocaine or other drugs?
- Who should decide what is good for our children, the government or the parents? When did we relinquish our parenting rights to the Department of Education? Are our children learning life skills in school, like math, reading, writing and critical thinking? Why are we ranked 14th in the world regarding the education of our children?
- What country is the largest debtor in the world? What people within a country are the largest personal debtors in the world”?
- Is the USA the greatest country on Earth. Why or why not?
- To whom is our federal government responsible first? Our citizens or all others.
- How do we get back to basics, God, Country, Family and fiscal responsibility?
- Where are the “poor, oppressed” peoples of the world getting the permissions, the money and logistic instructions to leave said oppressing societies and travel up to 8000 miles only to arrive at our border, clean, well dressed and well fed? What is their intent? Has anyone offered any one of us a $500 a day hotel room with room service, a bottomless debit card, a free phone and wifi?
- When did we start running this country by executive order. Does the act of an executive order usurp the process of democracy?
- Are we still pondering if our president is too feeble to run the country? Do we really think that he has ever run this country? Does he really need a doctor’s note at this point. The special council has already described his condition to us and we have it on video, voice and on paper. Why do we doubt this special council? Are we being asked one more time to disbelieve our eyes and ears? Are you proud of our president when seeing him in an international setting discussing how he recently spoke with a guy that died years ago?
- Seriously, what is a balanced budget? When did we last have one? Why do we think that all problems, issues and challenges can be solved with freshly printed money?
- Have we turned our backs on God? Will he help us in spite of that fact?
One could say that the above listed questions are elementary. Really? List your answers, respond to them on this website thru the comments section or simply answer them on paper for yourselves. It is not so easily done! What is your overall conclusion when confronted with answering such simple and basic questions? Pick one theme found in your answers that is consistent and name it.
It is our opinion that if we do not let go of the silliness put into priority these days and if we do not get back to basics very soon, like yesterday, we will not exist as the country that we have known. We will be shown to the world and to ourselves as the thoroughly crushed victims of our own self-abuse and folly. We need to discern the difference between reality and the D.C. art of spin.
It has been stated that 2024 will begin to show the results of our collective immature and emotional spasms as a result of ignoring time proven axioms and basic self governance. If you do not believe that things and events can get worse, remove the rock that you are living under and take a peak.
Live within ones means, protect your home and hearth, put our leaders on notice for their required responsibility to “WE the PEOPLE”, and call on God for wisdom in all things. WE can loudly become a unified force through individual participation.
Be Aware: There are powers in this world with Super Bowl Focus doing everything that they can to take us down!
Beware: A perfect storm is coming for the unprepared, soon!
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