Greetings Members and Readers.

TIK TOK is about to be ban in the USA.

We think that is a great idea and way overdue.


TIK TOK is not a toy. It is an information gathering machine owned by a Chinese Concern and one can bet that the Chinese Government is all over everything that occurs on same.  The Chinese Government will NOT allow Chinese Citizens to participate in their own country.  Wonder Why?

Because it perpetuates itself, transferring hearsay ideas, statements and lies from one to another at light speed where opinion and conjecture soon seems to become facts and truth.  These things occur on X as well but at least X is an American company.

Information gathering has become a multi-billion business as seen all over our world. In the case of Tic Tok, it is a large currency gatherer also, siphoning billions away from our country to theirs.  In the 60’s, Khrushchev stated from the halls of the UN that the communists would take us over without firing a shot, by using our ignorance, our greed and our apathy to win effectively, the cold war.  It seems that statement has become all too true.

There may be a time in the future when we might not want governments of the world to know our business.  Who we are, where we live, our ailments, the meds that we need, what we buy or if we are Christians.  Moreover, we might not want to allow the Chinese to exploit our children sublimely moving them with calculated methods toward their ideas on Communism, authority, parental rights, freedom, capitalism, democracy or religion.

We have entered a time where our technology and it’s trappings is out pacing our ability to keep up, where AI will soon be making decisions about us and possibly condemning us without the rule of law or our constitution in the mix.

It is time to buck up and determine that there are many issues regarding the web and it’s influence on us  (especially our children) that is not healthy for our politics, our freedoms, our religions and our psyches. Our children need to be outside, splashing in a mud puddles, shooting hoops or building a snowman with the neighbors kids or their siblings.

We think that it is time to act on the above written conclusions and TIK TOK is a good place to start.

It is amazing what we accept as conveniences or mysteries on a regular basis, that which could become our total undoing in just decades, without the slightest query.  Twelve dollar fast food burgers, Chinese (weather) balloons traversing our entire continent, Chinese police stations within our own country designed (they say) to police their people in our country, legal or not, or the continued purchase of large agricultural lands here where the food is shipped to China rather than showing up in our grocery stores.

Apathy in the darkness of cyberspace is a poor method to use to protect our sovereignty when all indicators are pointing toward some major upheavals in this world and yes, in our country as well.

We may think that we are awake or woke, but in fact, we have been asleep at the wheel for several years and in a larger sense, for decades.  Our naivete’ is quite remarkable and our distractions will become a sword used to slay our country and our lifestyle.