Greetings Members and Readers,

Short and Sweet:

We are embarrassed that the best the we can present to our people and to the world are the likes of what we are experiencing daily in our country via the leadership in Washington, D. C.  We, as citizens, are abused daily with spin that no longer even minutely represents the truth and we are a laughing stock for the rest of the world.

As imperfect as they were, our forefathers would role over in their grave if they could experience our country today.

We are going to be confronted with the phrase that We, the citizenry are nothing more than a threat to Democracy and we are going to hear that recent supreme court determinations regarding abortion is a tragic injustice to many women.  Neither the fetus nor the Father of such a child is considered nor is the morality of abortion mentioned in such rants.  Abortion, 95% of the time, is only about loose, lazy selfishness.

There was a time when we could hold our heads high and negotiate our day proud to be an American — in recent times, we have been reduced to a failing country with great indebtedness that not only is failing it’s citizenry but the world.

We must remember our present day reality and not be persuaded by the insane election antics that we are sure to see.

We are accused of believing our eyes and ears and we must be steadfast in trusting what we hear and see and feel.  Our eyes, ears and hearts are not failing us.  Our leadership is failing us.

While our administration is flying thousands of paroled immigrants into our country under the cloak of darkness, we are being told that our boarder is secure and while we struggle to fetch enough food from the grocery store to get through the week, our leadership ignores the cries of it’s people and concentrates on the advent of smaller snickers bars and fewer chips in an air filled bag while providing housing and 3 squares a day for illegals with fake money.

While we can not find a doctor or the meds to improve our ailments, while we can not afford housing or food, while we travel to and fro from work or errands, we are regularly molested by the presence of 10 million illegals in the form of assault, murder, limited housing and expensive food. We are told that this is the way of the new world order and these intruders need our help.

Are we to forfeit our life comforts, our safety, our personal and national security plus our freedoms and self respect believing and following the greatest group of fools ever known to lead this country?  NO!  We are engaged in a true exercise of self destruction with almost no options available to negate or soften our fall.

Enough is enough.  Vote at your own peril.  We need to take our country back or resign ourselves to come to know first hand, life as it is in Venezuela, Cuba or North Korea.  It is OUR choice.  Our fight. Our plight.

Are we going to fight or go out with but a whimper?