Hello Voters!
Just a very important reminder. We have endured this horrible election cycle and all the atrocities within it including assassination attempts, law fare and lie after lie.
Just remember that we do not know who Kamala is. She spouts cute little feel good phrases, speaks of hope and joy, lies to us everyday, never discloses her plans to effect her policies because she has no policies or she does not want us to know her policies. She moves her base with emotion capitalizing on their lack of knowledge regarding issues in government and she knows that they are moved with their idea of an adolescent utopia. She just tells them what they want to hear.
Listen for the train whistle for that means it is coming around the bend and if you are on the track that you think is safe, you are going to have a bad experience if that train makes it to the white house. All of this goofy feel good stuff is not going become real. It is going to be the last four years on steroids and that means all the free stuff is going to get split up with another 10 million illegals and the job that your brother has is going to be stolen by an illegal immigrant because he will work harder, for less.
We Do Know Not Who She Is and We do not want to find out after she is elected. It is true that some of her word salads include some of the phrases found in the Communist Manifesto. Enough said! Her Dad is a professor of Marxism. We just do not know what that might mean for us.
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