Greetings Members and Readers
We are moving mechanically through our daze (days) in a funk much like the soldier that sits disconnected from real time consciousness. We see him and note the 1000 yard stare. He is not really seeing anything while his eyes see everything in that thousand yards. It is as if he believes that if he looks far enough into the distant landscape, he might find something that can snatch him back from the horror he just endured. Maybe he is trying to understand how men can inflict such evil upon one another and to what end. It is a traumatic state that some can survive and others will never find a cure.
Though our daze is not equivalent to his trauma, our funk is yielding to us a similar feeling.
Then there is the mass shooting news flash on the radio or TV, one of 1200 in just two years in this country. It is one thing to hear of such an event that does add to our daze, but seeing a few 14 year olds lying in the school building halls, bleeding, maimed or dead probably does approach a post battlefield similarity and worse; these kids did not know that they were to be in a gun battle to the death this day. At least the soldier knew that he was walking into harms way.
These kids thought they were going to lunch after math class and visit with a buddy or a girl friend for a few minutes. Dead teachers, live students cowering behind a locked door, the door being tested, screams, shots, cops everywhere, blue lights blazing, sirens and anguished texts being sent or received does sound pretty traumatic. Crazed parents showing up in fear, crushed or relieved to learn the disposition of their child. Mothers that could not get there. Fathers out of town or on a distant job site learn that the shooter was not an angry druggy, not a Jihadist and not a recently fired teacher, he was just another 14 year old that had been on an FBI watch list for a year. They knew bad things were about to happen with this kid and now understand that knowing or acting on this kind of information produces two different kinds of result. There was one disconnected father that should have been more vigilant. He is the culprit along with the FBI.
What are the reasons for all this societal unraveling? What are the preventive answers to these extraordinary random actions? A loose screw, social media, computer games, the lack of a hug, bullying or inattention? All the above?
There are hundreds of answers to these questions but there can be a consolidating answer to it all. This funk or daze that we all feel everyday is real and the weight of it is becoming more and more noticeable, fatiguing and debilitating.
But most will discount any suggestion and we will be led by the naive toward gun control which is NOT the answer. Guns are to be possessed as a protective tool and in some cases, a means to gather food. As per our founding fathers, they are meant to give our citizenry a reciprocal voice toward aggressive governmental tyranny. It is so! Ask King George! And now, we can add them, guns, as a defense from crazed Jihadists and gangs of illegals that have and will actively challenge us for our property and our lives.
This simple statement yields great clarity. “If responsible gun ownership is outlawed for all, only the outlaws and government will have guns” and the citizenry will be left impotent in favor of any one of those two threats. Wide open borders exacerbate these truths. And these days, we are beginning to feel a sense of foreboding regarding the intentions and methods of our errant and self absorbed government.
But I digress! This writing is not to be a pep talk for guns, it is meant to search for and cure other ailments in our society that will repair our malaise. The key words or phrases, identified that are fundamental for a secure society are as follows:
Trust, integrity, the rule of law, honor, freedom, worth, constants, self respect, self esteem, access, moral code, responsibility, balance, dependable information, goals, peace, self determination, security, no media manipulation, family, opportunity, borders and many more.
We spend most of our time challenging the cornerstones of a healthy society, spinning the truth which is just another way to diffuse, pervert, cloak and dissuade the ingredients that will produce a stable, healthy, and happy society.
We have become a confused, separated, divided, combative, ill informed, suspicious and dishonest society led by purveyors of selfish misinformation that does not represent the words or phrases written above. But, we can become a people that sustains and protects itself from all that would destroy us, including ourselves.
Our leaders are dishonest, brazenly in your face frauds and we slurp up their BS as the parched would any quality water, not considering that we will soon become sick or sicker.
If we begin to act as a like minded community instead of many villages of “one” and hold our leader’s feet to the fire to deliver a stable, consistent and fair environment for all of us, we then begin to unify so as to deal with those in the rest the world that strive everyday to see us collapsed by our own division, that which is encouraged by those same people every minute of every day.
A true Democratic, Constitutional Republic coupled with Capitalism is unstoppable especially under God, for a people, indivisible with liberty and justice for all — in the strictest sense of the phrase.
As long as we continue to sell ourselves, our integrity and our votes for free stuff, we will soon learn that there is no more stuff available because there is no one producing anything otherwise known as stuff. Living on hope and joy fails quickly if there is no one stoking the fires to produce that which we hope for – in this manner we can never know a resultant Joy.
We should become like a family of cats found behind the borders of a fenced backyard within a trusted, kindred hierarchy and an elected Tom, practicing the hunt and perfecting those skills to insure that hope and effort does produce joy, just in case their purrs, mews and clicks to us fail to elicit for them previously experienced results. Either way, no cat is left hungry except those that consistently do not contribute to and participate with the whole.
It does take a village. Diversity, equity and inclusion are a given when ALL are pulling toward the same goal.
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