Greetings Members and readers,

It is summer, it is hot in my neck of the woods but it is not nearly as stifling as reported by the Weather Channel.

These people are getting on my last nerve.

Their intentions are only about selling us the idea that they are indispensable to our lives, and Cantore overdoes everything. He stands in the wind, rain, near a drainage ditch or a wobbling sign, trying to convince us that all hell is breaking loose when in fact, gathering water, a bit of wind and a downpour is quite normal during a tropical storm or a thunderstorm. Hundred degree heat is not new and no big deal in many states.

They are North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, Alabama, Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Florida, New Mexico, Nevada, etc. So the jet stream gets a little wiggle in it and now the north is experiencing heat. Do what folks have always done. Be careful and deal with it. Do what is appropriate as you do when it is -12 degrees in winter.

They, the weather channel, project “doom” so they can garner your attention and sell advertisement for their profit. We have come to believe that for their viewers, their methods are as dangerous to our psyche as the storm might be to us physically or more so.

Much of the time, their forecasts are wrong or certainly overdone, and their radar map that is now bright red is stifling, even when sitting at your desk beside an AC vent.

In my neck of the woods it is hot, as it has been in summer since NOAA began keeping temp records in 1920, but the radar map would have you believe that we are going to catch fire on the way to our car trying to get to work and it is only 85 degrees outside.

Cantore has made millions for himself selling and over selling the weather. That is the soft way of saying that he lies a lot or spins the facts to a place beyond the truth.

Sensationalizing rip currents only demonstrates that life guards are not doing their jobs and that certain folks over estimate their capabilities in the water. When in a rip current, just tread water and let the current take you down the beach a bit and a hundred yards later you will be deposited upon the beach by the nature of a rip current. Or someone will pick you up in a row boat from that beach. If you are a poor swimmer wear a flotation device. If you are a poor swimmer you should not be in the water anyway without a buddy.

We believe, with data in hand, the the news media including the Weather Channel are, et al, contributing to a psychosis in our population that is unhealthy and in some cases, deadly. It needs to stop — especially when our leaders are asleep at the wheel of government and/or contributing to the various crisis mentioned daily.

Did you know that as I write this, 8 states are seeding their atmospheres to cause rain? How does that affect other normal weather patterns. What do they seed it with, dry ice, carbon dioxide, aluminum? Cantore never mentions such facts or how that rain might affect us, being bombarded by aluminum from above.

Hey, it is summer, it is hot, dress appropriately, carry water, hydrate and do not “over do”, consider your age and your physicality and enjoy an iced tea on your shady porch and allow your skin to weep water. It is good for you.

Are we really so disconnected from the reality of summer and tropical storm season that we need to be told to carry an umbrella, a rain coat and avoid flooded streets? Will it be the end of us if we actually got rained on. If so, maybe those few should wake up a bit and get back in the swing of nature. A thunder storm can be a thrilling event, to watch nature heal and balance itself while infusing the atmosphere with ozone. Thunder storms are a balancing agent to keep good weather at hand. Without the balance of negative and positive influence the weather would get pretty rough very quickly.

We are being treated like hot house flowers that will fold the minute things get a bit uncomfortable while thousands of farmers are tending their fields in normal 90 + temperatures, garbage collection still happens, and construction workers still put on new roofs or build swimming pools. What the hell?

I am out of here with golf clubs in the bag and the boat keys in my pocket.

Somebody, please mail Cantore a valium! Frightening our elderly and our children to the point of emotional infirmity is a step too far for pubic broadcasters.. We are tired of it.

Beware: The media use to act as a watch dog for our country but now it seems to be the spoon that continually stirs so many tempests in thousands of tea cups on a regular basis to the point that we no longer know when to really, duck. Crying wolf too many times creates complacency. Over reporting causes under reaction.