Greetings Readers,
It is day plus one for Trump and the Inauguration event was awesome even in the very cold weather. He is truly our president again!
There will be immediate, within hours, signings of executive orders reversing the upside down existence we have endured for years, signaling a new era in our country.
Interesting that Biden, as per usual secretly expedited gang style pardons 10 minutes before the ceremony for his family, et. al., plus a few weirdos like General Milley. Biden’s covert actions in this regard only highlight the environment that we have exiled and suggests that there are many transgressions yet to be disclosed.
For one that parrots often ” that no one is above the law “, he surely covered his ass in the end with evident paranoia. We are truly thrilled now that he has been flown out the DC area on one last free ride on Marine One, not as a president but as a guest to be immediately evacuated from the Capital Grounds. Good Bye, Joey!
Melania looks fantastic and does represent our country well. She is smart, elegant and regal.
Trump reminded us that he has become very aware that God has had his hand in this election. We need to Thank our Lord that he intervened at some very critical times in Trump’s recent years and that WE are the beneficiaries of such a blessing. We will need to focus on becoming deserving of such blessings.
There is much more to say about the ceremony today but we will sign off with a simple statement, Thank God that This Day has finally Come.
We will all feel that rising tide beginning to lift our collective Boats as early as tonight.
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