Good Morning,

For 4 years we have often finished up another Fox News Alert and doubted the validity of that newscast.  We thought the alert might be a bit of a stretch, too sensational, conservative spin, or just accusatory conjecture.  We thought Biden not wired up well enough to pull off his latest transgression toward the American people or that his brainless statements were just more proof that someone else was calling the shots due to his cognitive inabilities.  Our conclusions then may have felt right but we can conclude now that Biden was not calling these shots, he was being led by his puppeteer(s), willingly as an obedient servant to a continue his comforts.

With a month to go before THE inauguration, there are things happening that prove his absence and/or his malice toward us and our country.  We cannot doubt that recent events and decrees are not only perpetrated upon our country but demonstrate an abuse of Presidential power and move beyond that to a place of vindictive, premeditated treachery that are only meant to weaken our country.

These things are not about good government, moral high ground or woke BS.  They are only about destabilizing our government, our treasury and our society!

Cases in point are:

A new app that allows illegals to bypass any type of border scrutiny,  none.  Fill out the app and walk on in!

Peculiar drones in the skies that move about with impunity for unknown reasons and this action goes on and on and on, unchecked and without scrutiny.    What this is about, “We the People” do not know.  What we do know is that this ongoing charade is all about “in your face” disrespect, a harassing and a final “gotcha” at best.  It might be just an well heeled group that finally got permission to fly their private drones at night and maybe it is, but we can rest assured that there is one or two that are using the flurry of flyers to gain there objective that is not so pure.  The government position is apparently, “We don’t care if you are uncomfortable”.

Pardoning his son Hunter, his family, his buddies, their buddies and every other next door neighbor’s best friend’s cousin thrice removed (for past crimes or any crimes that they might commit up to ten years into the future) is abusive and may be properly paranoid.  There is a constant found in all of this:   This administration, et al. are proficient liars, hands down, the all time trophy winners as Purveyors of the Untruth.  P U!  They would rather lie when the truth would be a more beneficial choice.  Additionally, they are more aware than are we of their criminal indiscretions.  Their must be a reason why he feels these pardons to be so necessary.

We have learned that the January 6th, (insurrection) was staged, planned, and executed by the FBI with non-employee plants within the group that aided, abetted and encouraged actions that were to be later labeled as “aggressive criminal attacks” upon our congress and our country.  The frightened congresswomen hiding under their desks were simply following along with their scripts.  The co-operative security officers were just polite guides that led many of these folks straight to jail.

The intentional inaction of FEMA in the mountains of North Carolina was politically motivated and some say, was more about “clean quartz” than anything else.  (Drive the people out with discomfiture and suddenly land comes up for sale for a third of it’s value with mineral rights included).

If you had a Trump sign in your yard you were to suffer for it without food, warmth, water, shelter or any other temporary cure.  Lack of funds were blamed as this agency had spent a large part of their budget making illegal immigrants comfortable with elegant housing, debit cards, new phones and elaborate transportation.  We believe all of this to be true.

Issuing the Ukraine bigger, better, longer ranged weapons this late in the game with a new president already elected to take over in just months could have and still might cause a local nuclear war or worse.  This was not about caring for the Ukraine but more about creating bigger problems for the new admin in just months, internationally, while depleting our treasury one more time with no good result.

Now, in recent days, 3 years the 11 months into the Biden presidency, the stock pile of border wall sections that have been stored near the border are suddenly being sold to scrap dealers for pennies on the dollar.  There is no doubt that this “government sale” is not about tidiness at the border, it is about causing more Federal expense for the new administration where they will have to purchase the same wall sections that have already been paid for some years ago.  It is our guess that we will end up buying the old rusty stuff as an expedient effort to begin again.  A little rust inhibitor and some paint will make it right, but it is still an unnecessary step causing Trump a bit of inconvenience.  More importantly, it bleeds our treasury a bit more.

We still have Governors and Mayors in many “sanctuary” areas that are pledging to fight Trump every step of the way, clinging to their notoriety and/or following the script to delay and inconvenience any effort to rid our cities of immigrant crime and to create a safer environment for our citizens.  We do not understand this type of obstruction but we hope that these sanctuaries will become popular and well inhabited places for all illegals that will begin a trek toward that perceived safety.

Depleting the National Petroleum Reserves certainly was not ever about lowering the cost of fuel or creating an income stream for our government, it was about weakening our country further, militarily.  It is hard to defend against aggressive enemies without fuel for military vehicles, planes, ships, and supply/logistics, etc.  Though repetitively stated, this again makes us vulnerable and weakens our treasury.

We believe that if we survive this kind chicanery, we will learn to a much greater extent in the future of these kinds of transgressions that have occurred during this period of anti American governance.  We suspect that many folks feathered their nest in this exercise to the detriment of our treasury, our security and our national psyche.

These events of the last 16 years have tested the strength of our people, the constitution, the resiliency of capitalism and demonstrated that we have finally seen through the smoke screens to determine the location of the real fire.  That fire comes from within our borders in the form of a presumed inept government that only desired the slow killing of the USA.

We think that these acts are more than deplorable and that they hover beyond the horizon of ineptitude to a place that one can only call  intelligent and calculated treachery or treason.  The future will prove that out, meanwhile we must remain steadfast believing what we have seen and heard is not conjecture, hypotheses or exaggeration .  It was truly an effort to break this country in as many ways as possible.  We think that such an effort is but temporarily stymied and that it will raise it’s ugly head again soon if we allow it.

We pray that these folks that have led us down this path will get everything that they deserve and have earned.  If there is such a thing as justice, those chickens will come to their homes to roost.

Be Aware:  As found in a movie that I once saw, The Plunderers.   “There are none who trespass against us as We who trespass against ourselves”!