Greeting Voters, Members, readers and the Naysayers,
It is a great day when one realizes that “We The People” still have a say in the management of our country. Such election decisions are not always comfortable, as when Biden was elected, but the pendulum does swing, and this time it brought forth a ton of votes that indicate that the majority want a reprieve from the ignorant and obtuse policies that had been set forth particularly in the last 4 years and some for decades.
We really find it a chore to list the ridiculous place that we have been led in recent years but it is kind of a must, so here we go.
Open borders: this policy makes no sense, it is debilitating to our treasury if we still have one, it is dangerous because we do not know who is coming into our country or for what purpose. The lack of control at the border weakens our housing market, our food supply, our social services structure where funds are drained away from institutions like FEMA, the medical community, law enforcement, our education system and our psyche. Safety is compromised and our focus is changed from positive action to a defensive posture of reaction where productive energy is lost in that defense.
Mandates for EV: In a capitalist society mandates are not appropriate. We can not buy that which does not work, that which is unaffordable and that which can not be re-energized if we depend upon such a vehicle for work or necessary transportation especially when considering long distance travel and schedules. Mandating EV’s is like mandating that everyone buy a silver service, regardless of where they live or how many times they entertain folks in their home. For many, stainless steel or plastic is sufficient. EVs have not been received well and those cars are sitting on the showroom floor taking up space rather than in a purchaser’s driveway.
Woke, DEI and LBGTQ concerns are upside down social issues that do not work. Considering the efficiency required by lean machines in government or businesses that produce things for sale to derive a profit, these ideas are likened to an anchor attached to a race horse. Affirmative action had it’s time and perhaps was necessary but that time has passed and DEI is nothing more than affirmative action on steroids. Rather than lift people to success it lowers production, efficiency and competitiveness. Clearly, DEI does lift unqualified people to a higher environment and will then cause the place to languish or fail.
Inflation: eggs cost 6 bucks, and a cucumber is 2… is this inflation or international dollar devaluation? Yep, both! We have too much debt and print too much fake money. Everyone knows it except our congress.
Societal fracture and division = Lame stream media: Thank the cabal driven lame stream media that can only exist these days by skewing truth and perpetuating hype, fear and sensationalism. At the same time in spreading this drivel and division they elevate themselves in their own minds as Legends in their own time. Most have become the likes of the old National Enquirer. We know that the content is not close to fact but somehow, we enjoy hearing all the lies, hurt and pain distributed.
We have pretty much elected a group that can lead all of us to greater places, untangle the policies of the stagnant and cure issues like national debt, public safety, unfair or at least naive trade policies, the saber rattling heat seen internationally and border control.
These illnesses found in our country and our world are dangerous to our future and must be reigned in so that we might secure for ourselves a reality of longevity, security, solvency, safety and freedom.
When our leaders, the direction of our nation and the malaise found in our country are at once redirected to be corrected and cured toward more intelligent and safer waters by voter mandate, one would think that the naysayers might experience a bit of clarity and know an introspective moment. Though that may come, to date the naysayers are wallowing in their self pity and lashing out at every move the new administration makes, while our ship representing the old, tired, and rusty is down by the bow, being pumped out frantically to no cure is preferred to the brand new cruise ship waiting along side to receive passengers that will otherwise soon drown.
To the naysayers, we will save you if you so desire. We are not experiencing the aftermath of a Super Bowl result. We are experiencing the dynamics of a Constitutional Democratic Republic that from time to time has to re-invent itself in order to survive and perpetuate itself.
It will be corrected, it will begin to thrive again, it will become better and yield to us all, a better result. Rather than clinging to a sinking ship, take note. All you have to do is cross over the gang way to experience a new beginning for us all at a new port of entry. Soon, your ship will sink and you will be left to the vagaries of your stubborn and irreverent ways. Drowning in your self pity might be one of them. Hitch a ride with us and give the idea of government by the people a chance. That which was good for the Goose then is good for the Gander now.
Beware: The cabal crazed lame stream media will lead you to a soggy life jacket that will not save you. It has been determined that the manic media just might be the greatest enemy of a healthy electorate and a democratic republic. It seems so these days. Without their obnoxious pomposity, they would be left speechless. They are already ranting on Russia, Russia, Russia; the need for dangerous covid shots that do more harm than good, and accusing others of sexual infidelities. It is like watching a group of angry hornets that have just had their nest destroyed. They do not know who to attack so they just attack everything, including themselves. It is blind rage!
Be aware: the Republicans won this election and all others will have little say or sway in regard to the leaders that will be tapped to help achieve for us fresher waters, no matter the gyrations, obtuse posture or impotent, manic and psychotic self pity/panic. Please know that my writings are not personal attacks, they are about observations and axioms of good living and one of them is that: Intelligent decision is always good medicine for rampant emotional infirmity.
Be More Aware: For those of you that are uncomfortable in your own skin, please know that your discomfort is not coming from us and as you wish generally, this time it IS all about you! If you continue to allow yourselves to be led by the manic media, there is little chance that you will find calm, peace or contentment in anything.
We get it. If you are told daily or hourly that the new administration are destroyers, that they want to dismantle democracy and our country, it is understandable that anyone would feel fear and discomfort. Please know that this drivel is about that media resisting positive change for reasons unknown to most of us. Why would anyone continue to embrace such division?
This mandate for a better direction is going to happen with or without you so change your ID to the moniker of “An American”, get on board for a great ride to new opportunities and prosperity. It can happen for all of us. All you have to do is change the channel and believe!
The large number of votes from black men, young people, Latinos, The Amish, Asians, newly registered Christians, refugee Democrats and undecideds have saved our country. We just have not completely realized it yet! Rather than mourning the death of divisiveness, we all should be rejoicing for real inclusion.
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