
Biden is still spouting off weird incoherent mutterings about how He could have won the election and then how Kamala could have won the election (what ever that means) but we think he is blaming the Demo machine and the handlers that wrote all the wrong scripts, they kept scolding folks that had experienced a change of heart in regard to their vote, they were arrogantly accusatory that people of color began to think for themselves and forever threw weird stuff against the wall to see what might stick.  The more they panicked, the weirder things got. They hired entertainers for their influence that never sang a song.  The rally attendees were very upset about the lack of entertainment because that is why they attended.  Voting was the last thing on their minds.

Oprah charged big bucks to lead Kamala in a Garden Setting Chat and could not cause Kamala to follow her leads.

It was a feel good party that never felt good.  It was a campaign of desperation that spent too much money on the wrong things where the candidate never really had a message.  An animated VP candidate seemed like he was selling aluminum siding with overdone gestures  while Kamala always attempted some philosophical diatribe plucked from the Communist Manifesto.  The giggly girl and her gesturing sidekick just did not feel good.  They were a sixth grade couple that could not make the cheer leading team on a very good day. It was fake as one can experience slight of hand.  Suddenly, Kamala slept with a Glock and Tim just about shot himself trying to load his shotgun.

It could have been that Dei, woke, Ev, a war on petroleum, societal mandates, extraordinary financial aide to illegals, border policy, et al, did not fly, even after Biden was backed over by the Bus driven by Obama and Nancy.

Well, we only have eight days left to do away with any official ideas that they, the dems, might want to share.  We don’t care!  75,000,000 voters were not wrong and there are all the reasons written above to support that voter conclusion.

The California fires, LA area to be exact, are glaring issues that leaders have not been doing their jobs in regard to fundamental infra-structures that would have lessened the impact of such a horrible occurrence.  Money spent in all kinds of stupid ways, the absence of water in the reservoirs, reduced firefighting budgets twice, warnings from all sorts of agencies including the Feds and Trump, extra fire fighting equipment given away or sold, a ton of money spent on woke, and rerouting a river to save few fish that could have been spent to protect the whole environment including the fish, all the pets and wildlife that have perished and the disaster perpetrated upon the people and their property.  And, Yes, there has been human death.

Insurance companies will increase premiums 500% or perish, checks will be slow to show themselves and housing for 150,000 folks that are now homeless will not be available.  Residential structures are not just sitting idly empty that can accommodate that many victims of these fires and if they were, the illegals already live there at great government expense.  We think that half of those victims will relocate to another state.  We say victims, yes, of the fires and of the arrogant irresponsible government in place as this is written.

As usual, the leaders that are now crowding the microphones for TV coverage are telling us that they are going to protect those that were obviously not protected just last week.

All kinds of facts and manufactured excuses are floating to the top of the charred rubble, one being that when the power was shut down, water delivery became impossible.  Well, they do make diesel or gas generators to take up that slack. Why do they not exist.

The truth is that rivers have been diverted, dams have been torn down or built that slow or limit water accumulation and fire fighting reservoirs were empty not to mention that pumps that could have siphoned salt water toward water front fires were not numerous or were unavailable.  Perhaps it is a good idea to own a pump of that sort if one has a home on the water.

Our pain is surely real, felt by many in our nation, to hear of the disaster occurring still in the L.A. area and We feel a heartfelt concern that will motivate many of us to pour resources into that area privately.  No questions asked. We know that Newsom has no skill or funds to rally a repair and Kamala will  probably take a trip to Hawaii or give a speech about a moment in time.  We wish for you a speedy recovery in any manner possible and thousands will help.

Unhappily, we need to make some sense of “government by emotion vs. government by commonsense.  There are tens of thousands of people living elbow to elbow in areas that are difficult to access that have no evacuation plan, no fire mitigation thru construction type, no dependable water source, insufficient fire departments and too few of them, empty reservoirs, no independent electric generators that can pump water even with the loss of a community electric supply, no firebreaks between residential areas all led by a government that is more interested in Woke ideas, the support of DEI and blowing money on the pacification of the trans community rather than protecting all with basic community infra-structure.

As long as we service the woke, DEI and the illegal and homeless communities first, the rest of us will be attended last, as the energy, priority, the funding and the planning for the necessaries are exhausted on much less important effort.  Now, in many thousands of acres burned, the environment, the homes and the residents that lived there are left without even a toothbrush or a cup of water necessary to brush their teeth.  The Diversity of these lost communities was real, the Equity in these communities is burnt to a krisp and the Inclusion in these communities was real and now, they are lost to the lowest common denominator.

The lesson is that common sense government is really the first priority where all are protected, prepared, and preserved.

Be Aware:  As long as we support these leaders with our votes, we can conclude that we have met the enemy, it is us!

Beware:  The state of California is a blight upon itself, bankrupt, and poorly led.  And remember, this very state that has bad mouthed Trump for 12 years will now have to depend upon him to come forward with solutions, aide and major cash to help a sanctuary state that in and of itself is arguably, outside the law.   What will you do without a common sense approach to government, responsibility, and  preparedness.  Our first suggestion is to get rid of Glamour Gavin and get someone in there that can see past his hair do, his manicure and his ego.