Greetings Members and Readers,

An early Spring gives way to the new beginnings of summer, with the heat beginning to show itself.

Boating, fishing, tanning, picnics, golf and even grass cutting are beginning to become items on the planning tables. Gotta tune up that frozen lawn mower.

Certainly, sprucing up the porch, the flower gardens and maybe considering a trip to the mountains or the beach are on our summer agenda. Jetting off to see a sister or checking out an Alaskan cruise are considered by some and for others, hitting the road to a non-destination. Road Trip! A trip to nowhere for 5 days.

Fun, outdoor stuff with family and friends, cook outs, camping or just snoozing on the porch are anticipated but some of these calming activities or excursions just do not feel like a good idea.

Their is a foreboding on the horizon. Something, a nagging feeling that just looms larger and won’t go away.

It feels like a plan to “shelter in place” might be a better idea for no specific reason. We all feel a nagging that something is terribly wrong, looming, undone or absent.

Maybe this feeling is an absence of joy, contentment, order or normality. There is a sense of disarray or danger in the air.

So, here it is.

We have good reason to feel a disarray, a nagging or something approaching fear because there are new events daily that alarm us.

Maybe we should ask ourselves what has changed in our lives and of course, our age and experience will enlarge the the scope of those answers.

If we are tuned in the least little bit, we all can probably conclude that we often do not feel “safe”. That word can mean many things. But in a time when our leaders are ignoring common sense and the rule of law, it is no surprise that we feel disenfranchised and forgotten. There is No Order!

Do we feel safe at church, at home, on the highways, at school, at the mall, at an intersection, at a football game or camping down by the river or at the grocery store? Sadly, for many, the answer these days is no, we do not feel safe anywhere. Not with a policeman or without a policeman. Not in a crowd or alone.

Rather than rant about all the reasons that we do not feel comfortable in any setting these days, a writing of a thick book, let’s keep it simple.

Choose as many reasons as you desire that cause you to feel uncomfortable, concerned or frightened and then link them to their possible reasons. The more the better. Then link those reasons to what has changed in your life in recent times, years, decades or generations. Is the government or the media often the culprit that spreads discontent?

Life and people have not really changed that much over the centuries. There are good and bad, happy and unhappy, healthy and ill, contented or discontented. World history is littered with war and remnants of war and wonderful improvements or achievements have often been a result of the challenges of strife. There is really not much new under the sun and any suggestion that any sort of government can create a utopia is just a lie for all times. Most seeking Utopia have tried many times to no good permanent result. Maybe the question is, a utopia for whom?

It should be stated that no government has ever been founded under God that offers us “all” real freedom as described in our constitution, The Constitution of These United States of America, complete with amendments that cement personal human rights for those citizens. With these freedoms come responsibilities and maybe that is where the cookie is crumbling.

We need to consider that constitution and understand that it is, with all possible contingencies, a most pure form of government, even in times when it is attacked and tested daily and when those attacks are meant to undermine it’s intent and it’s importance or existence in our lives.

I believe that these words often fall upon deaf ears but I will say this:

A return to simpler times, family dinners in the p.m., allocated chores daily for the inhabitants of a home large or small, teachings that are about personal responsibility and intellectual/spiritual growth, schooling, and time spent with real friends, real endeavors yielding real memories are perhaps the answers to some of our woes.

We have forgotten the old proven axioms of living that create self reliance, self respect and self esteem that give order to our lives. That order will offer us again a feeling of center, safety and belonging. Order is our Fortress.

We will learn of trust once again. If we can do that and elect like minded leaders in our future, we can once again begin to feel comfortable in our own skin.

In this world of “anything goes”, the lack of law and order and a straying from good to unidentified evil, it is no wonder that we have lost our center and thus our direction. We need to put our phones away now and then, turn off the computer and TV and experience life in real time with real participants. Cyberspace is really an empty place with impersonal and absent participants. Having 390 friends that you have never met is sorta like catching 29 fake fish after a cyber fishing trip. We still do not have dinner or anyone to share it with. Living vicariously on the web will not engender a sense of belonging and more and more, becomes a personal risk.

Sitting on the porch sharing a watermelon with family and friends may not sound exciting because it isn’t, but you will earn a real belonging, warmth and assurance of trust. That is a good beginning to find your center.

Like it or not, it is time to accept that we are being manipulated by all sorts of media with emotional, ignorant, premeditated exaggerated gossip and/or commercial media that really stretches the truth and rarely advertises the merits of a product but instead insinuates some social reason to buy it. The internet in many cases has become a very empty place or as my Grandmother would say, “It is the devil’s workshop”.

That which we seek will not be found on an empty impersonal forum full of under-informed folks that are trying to figure out who they are or where we are often confronted with those with an agenda that includes attempts to make us as miserable as they already are.

Now, we will cross trails with many strangers that have jumped our border and we need to become a bit more vigilant toward them and their motives. There is a difference in paranoia and vigilance. The first is the state of fearful passivity and the latter is an action to confront reality.

Beware: These so called students on so many of our college campuses are not all students. Some 50% are paid participants placed there to send a message to us of their agenda and their puppeteers’ intent to affect world order. We need to be wary of the paid demonstrators and feel empathy for those real students that are incapable of understanding the dangerous game that they are playing. They, the students are not capable of managing their own lives much less of worrying with world order.

When we see a pale faced blonde female teeny bopper, a homo sexual, or a transgender individual embracing the likes of Hamas, we can conclude that these students have no idea of what they are doing nor do they know that if they succeed in assisting Hamas to come to some sort of fruition in this country that they be will among the first sacrifices made to the Jihad that is ramping up for all of us.

Door to door salesmen should give us pause. Suddenly, there seems to be a lot of them. Do they really want to come into our home to give us a quote on a new security system or do they want our wifi codes or to scope out the place for other considerations?

Be Aware: We need to enlarge and strengthen our fortress of the trusted in our lives and shun or vet the unknowns for now.