It is bewildering that the very people that have allowed some 10 plus million illegals into our country now resist getting them out of our country at their own peril. We have experienced a mandate that demonstrates clearly that the majority want them gone. But now leaders in various blue cities and states are resisting as if the people have not spoken, the RED people. The blue wall is now the red wall.
Legal and documented Latino voters have made their statement also. They want the bad guys — gone, probably because they and their children may suffer first.
While child rapes and murders in several of these states are real, the leadership there continues to thwart efforts to make their cities and states safer.
It is abnormal to cling to this type of anarchy, unexplainable why these cities and states cling to such criminality and it sometimes wreaks of overt treason to insist that we, the real Americans, legal, documented or citizens by birth, would choose to be forced to endure these criminals and the lack of civil justice, absent law enforcement and a psychotic insistence to keep our streets, homes, cities and states vulnerable to the vagaries of a criminal element that are just now organizing to do their harm.
We understand that if you are selling these folks 10 million cell phones thru government handouts, if you are providing tents, shoes, food and meds to these 10 million folks and / or providing them housing when you run out of tents, that you have “skin in this game” but when one of them rapes and kills your daughter, garrots your wife and steals your Mercedes, you are going to have to determine if your profit is worth the price paid and you are going to have to live with that determination and the price that we will have paid also.
Beware: Remember, when this trend spins up into an organized effort and shows it’s ugly face, the blue and the red alike will suffer the results. They, the gangs, the sexually deviant and the criminally unrestrained are not going to ask how you voted to determine if they should kill your Grandmother, steal your Grandfather’s watch, rape your grandchild, abscond with your car or rob you at gun point.
Beware: We are not sure just “Whom” is more unhinged: the rampaging illegals in this country or some of our leaders that are stuck in some strange psychosis of woke civil injustice that only produces more of the same. We are approaching a place where “We the People” and the newly elected administration presently in place will begin to consider these actions to be constitutionally contrary to the intent of government and thus they will be soon labeled as treasonous actions that purposely impose these dangers upon the people as a whole. You just might be deemed one of the perpetrators.
Attention Seeking is a consistent symptom found among the mentally ill and they, the attention seekers do not care how they earn their desired attention. They are always encouraged to gain attention thru good behavior and positive actions but for them they are just as happy for attention gained by destroying the furniture, smashing the TV, intentionally harming themselves or throwing bricks through the windows of the car that is dedicated as their transport to the movies, the grocery store or the doctor”s office.
We see correlations in these woke leaders, et al, that do suggest “attention seeking at any cost”, including self harm.
If you persist in this insane position, Trump might give you your druthers. We can save money in a big way by flying them into your city/state so that you can deal with it all, as you wish.
We wonder what New York, Detroit, Chicago, Portland and Seattle will look like, each receiving around 2.5 million of these folks. I did not mention Martha’s Vineyard because they totally freaked out with one busload of these folks. Maybe just 300 thousand would work for the Vineyard and the Hamptons. You could probably save money getting your lawn done, but then, they might defecate in your pool, eat your geese, steal your boat and kidnap your daughter.
It will be a bit uncomfortable at first but as you sing “Stay Green” and “Go Blue”, or “Let someone else suffer this debacle” and we agree, we want you to be that “someone else”. You have called down the thunder, you might as well get the wind and the rain!
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