Greetings Members and readers,


It never occurred to us that over the years all the Biden supporting media and his followers were so much in the dark regarding Biden’s cognitive inabilities. Now, the charade is over. It is all out on the table for all interested or not.

How is it possible the very media that has shown us the video clips of Biden’s slide over his presidency do not know how far that he has fallen?


Biased media collusion to cover the fake truth!

Spin that is over the top!

Supporting Biden’s life in the basement isolating the truth!

Press secretary’s consistent lies with arrogant and incredulous confidence!

8 second sound bites! Hollywood production, not news.

All support personnel see what they are told to see and ignore/hide that which does not fit party welfare.

Biden family and underlings doing what is necessary to cling to their little piece of power! Hunter is peeing in his pants.

We are being led by a group or groups of individuals that have not been elected that are doing their bidding under the cloak of a man that is too feeble to understand what is happening. He is, as demonstrated last night, an empty suit, where tragically, he does not really understand or know about the policies that are put forth in his name.

The Dems/Libs are in full panic mode and really have few options this close to the election date to change their course and direction. This will turn out to be a constitutional debacle and we, the people, are going to witness desperation incarnate.

The Supreme Court is rising to the challenge to call it like it is in regard to returning powers to the states away from the Fed (executive and Judicial) and have deliberated on mechanisms used to determine the actions on Jan. 6th as illegal, to be inappropriate and too harsh. The post Enron obstruction law was used in error on purpose by the biased judiciary. And then, there is the Chevron law that allowed the executive or judicial branch interpretive leeway. That has been curtailed.

This court seems to be tightening the noose on executive orders or executive branch governing and we think that is a good thing. Totalitarian government is not how we have envisioned our legislative efforts and executive orders are pretty much a singular type government absent of the checks and balances of legislation and more about reigning party power short cuts.

Also, using the sedition act born in the 1860’s is another form of manipulating a law that was then atrocious to fit actions today that are not remotely applicable to bad law then, a law nearly two centuries old formulated in the midst of the Civil War.

The lib/dem media have instantly turned their back on Biden and are now publicly announcing their fear of continuing to support an individual that can not get off the stage without help from his wife. For such a united and complicit media, bought and paid for, it seems suddenly, that “the Cabal had spoken”. Within minutes, the entire media reaction was book chapter and verse unanimous with an “about face” conclusion. The Cabal suddenly realized that Biden can not win and simultaneously to the second, the media has a synchronized “epiphany”, a coincidence beyond the pale. Or, the Cabal set this “uncovering” up because of their “epiphany”.

Jill and Biden’s handlers are said to be abusive enablers forcing Biden to continue to lead when completely determined to be incompetent. These actions are selfish and deemed to be equivalent to elderly abuse otherwise called social and media fraud. The poor man waved to the audience in an empty room last night.

There is great danger in allowing this “man” to keep the nuclear codes in his sock drawer. Joe’s golf handicap is one thing but we worry about other handicaps that have not been discussed on the air.

Thank you to all the powers that have allowed us this moment in time to conclude that we are walking a dangerous path with this man as the leader of the free world. No wonder that countries in the entire world are either quaking in their boots or gathering together to take advantage of our leaderless society. Is it possible that they will speed up their plans for the world because their window of time just got slashed by 4 1/2 years. We wonder what that will look like?

Be Aware: In the future, Biden will begin to say anything to garner back his secret recently disclosed. He does not know the difference in truth or a lie. He will say anything with no remorse because he really believes his ever changing reality of the moment. His promises will soon show themselves to be more free stuff for the indigent, black job programs, and better I phones for the illegal immigrants. There will be more race baiting and more divisive language to separate us further and methods to buy votes. Same ole, same ole.

Beware: Not only has the real Joe Biden been discovered but his family and his handlers and the media and his doctors have been conclusively shown as manipulative, complicit liars and frauds. Though true, we still need to look to the Cabal.

It is possible that Elvis would have lived a much longer healthier life if his handlers had acted in his best interest rather than perpetuating their own with short term vision. Ditto for Biden and our country!

P. S. No matter all this happened, Trump did a magnificent job of simply allowing Biden to bury himself!