Good Morning Members and Readers,
It seems that the cap is off the bottles of havoc, insanity, bedlam and babel.
If there are entities listening to our worldwide and national conversations via our sky waves, they must be concluding that we are not much more than a group of near rabid dogs that will soon begin eating their own.
Sanity has dropped of the chart, idle negative, aggressive chatter is never ending, and attempts to communicate have morphed to harsh accusatory retaliation. The amount of spin or more accurately, lies, perpetrated upon our nation by politicians and the press ramping up election rhetoric is so very pitiful that it makes one want to cry. After the tears, it is simply insulting and disrespectful that we are considered to be such needy believers. Truth is generally absent!
Just imagine if we could hear it all for ourselves at the same time! What we would deduce? We are a desperate country, with no moral compass, drowning in debt, struggling to stay afloat with no life jacket and no real leaders in office as storms ravage our coastlines over and over. These storms are not just limited to wind, rain and floods, they are manifested also as evident ineptitude or intended apathy driving an agenda, tamped down panic, dislocation and some sort of social paralysis in the face of potential world war, economic collapse and illegal migrant depravity. Our government is wholly reactionary rather than pro-active for remedy.
Condemn me as you will, but Harris and Walz are effectively word salad Marxist consumed with ego and agenda spewing misleading vague messages as directed while their followers are infected, blinded, deafened and misled to their detriment.
As God stands by waiting for our apologies and our requests for his help, he taps his foot and gets a general message from us: “Don’t worry God, we do not need you because AI will guide us through these deceptive times”, this the ultimate utterance of arrogance.
Meanwhile, likely interstellar listeners just stand by, plan a popcorn and beverage gathering to see the anticipated eradication of the people on the third rock from the sun.
Many of us remain totally ensconced in self and stuff considering that suggestion to be mere disinformation and are disgruntled because even thinking about it is an inconvenient waste of time. Such distractions prevents the gathering of “Likes” or “Friends” which is important so as to shore up an ever diminishing “Foundational I.D”..
Beware: For the irresponsible, ignorant and arrogant people of our country and the world, inevitable events to come will be inconvenient and the ultimate waste!
Be Aware: With the antics of the Biden/Harris administration experienced, it is no guess that Harris will simply continue his same agenda on steroids. If we survive, we will become the land of the woke and broke going out with a bang or a whimper!
Check out T.S. Eliot’s, “Hollow Men”! copy and paste
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