Greetings Readers,

In a conversation enjoyed recently, a friend ask me, “what is wrong with the left”?  They are constantly unhappy.

Man, instantly we thought of all the examples of the non-productive elements that can be uncovered when contemplating the Left.

No, we are not going to list them all, but among them are open borders, meritless promotion, unearned equity achieved without investment, and a general need to separate themselves from things positive that will lift  us ALL up…..

Now that Trump has taken the helm and bought fuel for our wayward ship of state, instantly things, priorities and the implementation of forward looking policies are moving at light speed.  But the left still presses to lament the loss of stagnant and negative ways that produce an environment for them to be and stay victims of their own need to remain miserable.

It is a shame that the number one choice of any individual is to earn the right to remain constantly miserable.  I am not sure if the word miserable can be used as a pronoun but henceforth, it should be noted that they, them, etc. should include the pronoun miserable as a suffix  and yes, we could spice that up a bit and pronounce it in French.  They Miserable’s!

We can not conjure up an instance when we heard that any part of the left were happy, content, joyful or satisfied unless there could be shown that that satisfaction was in direct correlation to someone else being miserable.  They were not happy when Obama was in office, they were not happy when Trump took over, they were not happy when Biden assumed the office and they are not happy now, day 3 of 47.

So misery is an element of the left and the woke, necessary to complete the cake of the left, whether it is the mixer, the baker, the guy that frosts the cake or the person that eats it.

Someone in that brew has to be miserable and most preferable, all involved should be miserable in the cake production; too difficult to shop for ingredients, too expensive to buy the same, customers were wearing MAGA hats at the store,  too hard to mix, too hot near the oven in the baking, too messy to apply frosting and too difficult to decorate that cake, meanwhile the cake tasted terrible as it was mixed with salt rather than sugar because the DEI decorator was distracted texting a friend about how unhappy he was serving as a baker/decorator rather than owning equity in the cake company.  And somehow, all the above is Trump’s fault.

So they all hate the trials of life and the regimen of working outside their house,  they all hate MAGA,  they all hate chocolate frosting and wanted a rainbow frosting, they hate their manager, Trump and cake.

Meanwhile, CNN, after covering the cake story reports that someone from the left threw a pie at Trump! This to make all leftist cake lovers love pie, because they don’t want to make anymore cakes.  Now, we know how this type scenario further produces metastatic discontent with any topic, including cake and pie.

It is a tough way to get thru the day and a good way to invite chronic illness to creep into your body.

This trite little article has a big message.  We are confronted with a massive group in our society that know no other way to pursue happiness than achieving a perpetual state of misery for themselves.  They want to hate their cake and eat it too!


Life is too short to strive to be constantly unhappy.  When life deals you lemons, make lemon cake and pie.