Greetings Member and Readers,
Well, the secret is out tonight. Kamala wants to dictate to us, our corporations and have our government punish folks for not going along with her ideas, never mind congress and the senate. The misuse of the executive order once again becomes a tool of dictatorship.
Let’s see!
Mandatory gun buy backs!
Free college! Cancelling of school debt! Ignoring the supreme court!
Free medicine, education, food and housing for all illegal aliens!
$25,000.00 gifts to first time home buyers!
Tampon dispensers in men’s rest rooms.
Fines for companies that are interpreted as price gougers!
Driver’s licenses for all, or an ID to rationalize voting!
Snatching product patents for not going along with Kamalong!
Fines for inequities found in paychecks — male vs female — no matter the qualifications of either sex and it is a guess how these folks will describe their gender when in fact an under paid male might want to ID as a female to get a pay raise.
She says that the government will build 3 million new homes in her first term in addition to a down payment gift to buy that home. Just a note that She and Biden spent 8 billion dollars to build charging stations across our nation 3 years ago and to date they have built 8, as in EIGHT. We can not wait until we see how much one of these new (one of 3 million) houses costs versus, sell for. Betch ya that there will be a significant loss et al.
We can not wait to see what other ideas she has for buying your vote, but if you are in need of a home, an improved salary, or a gender ID, don’t wait on Kamala. This is all just more word salad when considering that the congress and the senate should / will get involved.
The executive branch of our government may not dictate to “we the people” and they are not in the housing business, so far. When she begins this dictator dance, you will see prices go up and massive product shortages in medicine, food, fuel and especially in housing. It is proving out that ” No One ” cares about the national debt or the value of the dollar in our government and soon that will be demonstrated to us by the rest of the world as they move away from the dollar altogether. Then things are going to get really rough trading in Rupees or Rinminbi’s or Yuan.
Russia does these things, China does too, Venezuela also.
Instead of ripping up our constitution and the principals of capitalism, why don’t we just give free one way tickets to all that want to know this kind of life. Destination China, Russia, Cuba, Venezuela, etc. It will be a lot cheaper for our country and everyone involved will be happier. Everyone!
Democracies do not tread in these places of Presidential decrees. Talk with one of these government housing dwellers in Chicago, Philadelphia, or Detroit. What do they say? Do they feel empowered and safe? Warm in winter, cool in summer? Are they building equity, as in house value or are they just running in place stuck more and more the longer they live there.
So, here we go! Are you and your freedoms up for sale? Who is going to pay for all these ignorant plans that will never come to fruition. They will come to the same result as EV automobiles that are not selling or that are depreciating by 50% in the first year.
This effort will be as incomplete as our 8 billion dollar charging stations that can not be completed because of government regulation that are in conflict with different government regs. Quagmire! Stalemate! Bye Bye 8 billion big ones.
If you see a bright future in all these Kamala promises — do not celebrate yet. We wonder who will be the recipients of these houses yet to be built by the government, certainly not American citizens. Certainly, the Pelosi’s will start a construction company.
Bankruptcy, depression and economic implosions coupled with some sort of revolution could be perpetrated upon us by our very own government to be. When are we going to learn that handouts do not repair economic issues, they just create more economic issues. Has not Covid and open borders taught us anything?
Goodbye Konstitution and Kapitalism, Hello Kommie Kamala! Hello Walzing with China and they do it all with a smile and a grin as if they have just won the big lottery. They think that they are truly being innovative or they think that we are as stupid as they are or both!
The people of Venezuela did this to themselves 20 some years ago. Venezuela was the richest country in South America and the founder of OPEC. Now they can not shed the yoke of socio-communism even after a most recent election. Sadly, they can not feed themselves and realize that they invited this into their lives — and it is too late to reverse their doom.
Happy voting!
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