Good Morning Members and Readers,

We are 90 days from election day and the spin is over the top.

We are getting nothing from the folks that perhaps purposely dropped the ball at the rally where Trump almost lost his life.  It is pretty much the same ole same ole that we got for the Russian Hoax, the Laptop BS, Trump’s many legal issues that have almost all waned away… And now, we are met with an inconsequential Vice President that is suddenly mankind’s last hope and a President that is just invisible.

We do not hear from Harris via press conferences, we do not know where Joe went, and this new VP candidate is just as fake as Harris, grinning like he just left a “pickin and grinnin” bar still amused by his own joke.  We are not sure why these folks, the VP and the VP candidate, are so giddy headed and so perfectly comfortable in an environment of great danger, internationally and intra-nationally.

We have confirmed activity at the border where the FBI is very concerned about the folks that have crossed our border to do us harm.

We are very much in danger from the notions of Iran and their threats towards the US and a retaliation aimed at Israel. They, Iranian leaders, are indignant that Israel struck back after being attacked recently by these fine folks.  We can only refer to them as slow learners.  Nothing new there except that this sort of thing could spin up and out of control toward all out war including a localized nuclear war.

After informing the public that inflation is going down and that our country is doing great, we all know that prices at the grocery store have in many instances “doubled” and generally hover at an average of a 60% increase in all items found for sale there.  Bread is 4 bucks, eggs are more than 4 bucks, Clorox is 4 bucks and Listerine is 8 bucks. All these examples represent more than a one hundred percent price increase in the last 18 months.   Where are these people getting these 3% numbers?

Trump is being accused of promising a dictatorship and of being Weird.  That word seems to be the latest word of the day from the cabal that most of the press seem to be compelled to reiterate when these notices show up in their email.

The Olympics were kicked off with simultaneous Gay Celebrations depicting a form of the last supper and someone showing himself on the great white battle horse that apparently belongs to Jesus.  Sick stuff.  We are not sure why the Gays are so ready to celebrate for they seem to be among the most unhappy folks on earth.  But whatever!  Anything that might postpone misery will do until the most recent  celebration has worn off.  Of course,  I would be unhappy too if I had to describe myself with an equation involving 96 genders.

Taxes, property taxes, electric bills, water bills and natural gas bills are going up and up to the point that we are going to have to decide whether to go delinquent on our monthly expenses in order to pay our taxes and eat.  Never mind auto insurance, Medicines and fuel for the car.  It almost feels like a perfect storm laying ruin at the feet of the middle class where recession and / or depression is imminent!  The stock market is showing signs of fragility with violent swings from day to day and so are precious metals.  Usually they act opposite or conversely to one another.  It is a confused world.

Speaking of Weird. We say here at TPP that weird is a good description of desiring a perpetuation of the above written malaise including a Democratic promise to raise taxes across the board, kill petroleum and start dismantling the Supreme court and the Constitution.

When a people can only express themselves with their vote and their vote is based upon race, gender, emotion and lies that shows itself as the last dance at a rave, one might begin to realize that this coming election could be our last dance of peace, freedom and prosperity not to mention self determination and worship.

This is all about deception and deflection where we will become self anointed breathless victims of our own Gooblygook!

We pray that “surely” the American people can not be so blinded by their selfishness and distraction to vote away their future as a free people only to insure that Lady Goofball and Howdy Doody get elected.  Please look at their policies that will bring us all destruction.  They are among those called “Useful Idiots” by the cabal!

Be Aware: We are being manipulated by a group that will lie about our present predicament and then tell you that you can not believe your lying eyes regarding present day realities; that we are just confused and need help reading the tea leaves.

Why are we pressed to read tea leaves anyway.  What happened to clear and concise government?

Beware:  Once we vote the cabal into power, we will never get to replace these people even when we actually discover what we have done to ourselves!  Note: This is powerful stuff for it is happening all over the world simultaneously, regularly disregarded as just another co-incidence of hundreds.

Can it be really be a co-incidence that a twenty year old nobody “just happened” to choose the only roof top that “just happened” to be unsecured as his shooter’s perch? Or that his phone “just happens” to have encrypted messages to over seas locations? Or that the local cops were “just accidentally” ignored with their warnings and alerts! Or that the Secret Service “just decided” that a few drones were too expensive to fly as canopy optics when this twenty year old kitchen helper could afford to have one and flew it?

They would have us all believe, Yes!  Do not believe your lying eyes or your very reasonable deductions.  We are the pros here and you are just idiots playing detective games.

See link below — a lesson from the head shepherd telling us all the plan

Copy and Paste

They seem to enjoy telling us the plan so that they can say later, well hell, We told you all about it.  It was even on You Tube!