Greeting Members and Readers,
We all cling to that which we believe to be the truth using the tools that we own to help us find and make real that clarity.
Needless to say, our tool bags differ from one another, depending on how we acquired those tools. If we have lived on the periphery of the flow of “news” daily, listening to sound bites of opinion and spin, we form our determinations on any topic based on emotion influenced by our desire to know and achieve a righteous result, but often it is based upon information that is truly suspect.
If we dig deeper for the truth, we find that the information we gather just leads us to more suspect conclusions where deeper vetting is suggested. That is because most information offered is biased, so we dig deeper. We learn that the power of an 8 second sound bite, a half truth or an out and out lie repeated over and soon begins to sound like fact and is accepted by many as truth.
Psychological influence is heavily present in these sound bites that we endure daily and the weight of those sound bites add to or subtract from the validity of the whole, depending upon the state of our psyche in that moment of our decision making.
Our opinion always reflects a belief that we have made a decision based upon our individualism even though there may be no righteousness involved. We just want to believe that our opinion is a sound opinion, no matter how we came up with such an opinion. For many, it is enough just to learn that we actually have an opinion.
We have interviewed 20 people to learn who they choose to vote for in this upcoming election and why. The results are frightening.
One large black women has decided that she can not vote for Trump because he is a sexual deviant. That is a result of Trump being recorded on a hot mic saying things that men say in their locker rooms all the time. It is no secret, especially among women, that women caught in conversations that have occurred in “safe” places say things about men that would equal or win out in a contest of crude sexual comments. So that which is good for the goose is not so good for the gander! You have heard the phrase, “he who has no sin, please cast the first stone”! Her righteous decision is based upon what? That she is perfect?
Another white woman has stated in her righteous opinion that regardless of world affairs, of painful inflation and in a time where our constitution is truly being attacked, that it is time to elect a black female president, only considering race and gender, all other qualifications or consequences be damned. Note: In our society today as per the woke, race and gender is complicated, vague and not applicable.
Another, a black man has stated that he is tired of being used as an election pawn by the democrats and then forgotten the day after the election. It seems he may be correct in that statement.
There is another that states that he is very confused that Kamala has changed her position on almost everything that she stood for last month and that he can not trust her as he is concerned that she is just lying her ass off, a quote, to get elected and then she will continue on her previous path enacting her previous beliefs. She has stated publicly that she still holds to “Her” values when our values are the issue. Look up the definition of the word “politician”. That is that his opinion is based upon the varying opinions of the populous where he, the politician, strives to land on the most popular opinion of the moment.
One more person that we talked with, a frail white woman that professes her Christianity has decided that because Trump dodged a bullet last month shows that God has protected him so that he may have the chance to turn our country back toward a more righteous path.
A Jew that we talked with says “because Trump’s son in law is a Jew, that Trump does have well wishes for Israel and will help protect them”. An elderly Muslim said that it does not matter who gets elected because the Jihad yet to occur on our soil will show either candidate to be impotent.
Several black and white people stated that Trump has proven his ability to lead our country to better pastures and will be re-elected for that reason.
We believe that the latter opinion written above holds water better than most opinions acquired and that a simple formula to cast an informed vote should include a consideration in favor of our constitution, the rule of law and the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Be Aware: Donald Trump does not need a paycheck, he does not need power and he does not need to endure the daily attempts made to destroy him. He is already rich so he does not need to steal, he has a beautiful family that demonstrates that he has been and is an affectionate and effective father, he has a beautiful wife that stands by her man while he stands before us daily at a podium in front of thousands of people risking another bullet because he loves this country. He may well have been shielded from recent bullets flying just inches from his head by the almighty and we believe that because of that recent incident, he has been changed even more so to become a better candidate for the people under God.
Beware: We need to humble ourselves and stop attempts to glorify our opinions that are based upon pitiful data and just deal with things that we KNOW. Trump is the right man to save this country from the vagaries of sloth, lawlessness and irresponsibility. He believes that a rising tide lifts all boats. Most opinions are founded upon emotion.
We should stick with the facts of our experience with him, his previous performance as president and trust that simplicity is best. We all are guilty of error and mistakes but no one has been tested like Donald Trump. We need to find a way to forgive his inadequacies and trust his caring and experience.
Our position is not based upon a liberal or conservative platform. We are concerned with government by the rule of law, the preservation of our constitution and the bill of rights. It is for those reasons that we have the right to express ourselves. No other country in the world has these opportunities enshrined for the people.
The Hollywood mechanism to temporarily suspend disbelief is not applicable in real life. Men can not fly because they wear a cape, women can not throw a spear 600 yards, people can not hold their breath for 30 minutes or block bullets with a sword. Batman, Super Women, Spider Man nor Lois Lane are going to save this nation. We want it to be so, but it is not going to happen.
It is amazing that the abused, subjugated, and unfortunate continue to believe in what they hear and hope for instead of what they see and have experienced. We have truly met the enemy and it is US.
We should trust what is said to be our “our lying eyes”! In a time of near nuclear war, economic implosion, disease or famine, who would you want to be your leader and protector, tough and flawed Donald Trump or a Vice President that could not even stand up to pitiful Sleepy Joe? He has been thrown under the bus and now they want us to elect his weaker subordinate so that “they”, whoever they are, can continue to run this country into the ground.
With the roving gangs seen in Denver lately, where 6 people beat a door down to gain entrance for robbery, etc. , we might consider that this stuff is just now showing itself and will become worse for all the voters mentioned above. When these gangs begin to knock your door down, just remember that we have a black female presidential candidate that was and is in charge of the border. So, thank Kamala for her gift to us with a Republican vote.
Note: these Venezuela gang members not only broke down this door, they took over the whole apartment building. So much for living in a sanctuary city. Who are you going to call when this happens in your neighborhood, the border Czar, the one and only that let these people into our country?
One thing is for sure. We can bet our entire wealth upon it as individuals and as a nation. If God wants Trump to become President, he will be elected. We think that it will work out that way as we pray for Voter Wisdom rather than Voter Emotion.
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