Greetings Voters,
There is a once in a lifetime event found in the upcoming election, where as measured by a national vote, complicated by the necessary Electoral College, one of two different methods of governing will be chosen. One of two different realities will be adopted and felt by the total electorate et al, where by and of themselves, each are completely different and by some measurements are quite opposite.
Not withstanding topics of national debt, morality, economic implosion, etc. within these two choices, the one constant is the Constitution of the United States. That guiding document will become attacked and watered down in one of these choices, perhaps emerging in a relatively short amount of time as a completely different document that contains no resemblance to the original.
The above written statement IS the real issue at hand in this election and as seen, the arguments offered us in these election exercises so far, are getting way out of hand, where each is attacked by the other for the similar agressions of both and truth will become hardly recognizable as the left seems to cloak their goals in vague phrases, employs the absence of real disclosure as policy, and offers accusations perpetrated to deflect their intent by accusing the other of that which they, the left, so desires.
Make no mistake, the left is driving toward a government tailored for an eventual melding with a one world co-op absent of the rights offered us by our present Constitution, our Bill of Rights, and individual pursuits toward happiness. Our present government is formulated to insure individual rights for all rather than their diluted considerations for the collective where the individual is silenced to accommodate the watered down needs of the whole that will result in a much lower level lifestyle with less and less choices morphing to none down the road.
The idea that the accomplishments of many individuals creates a rising tide to lift all boats is refused as the left believes that collective effort is sufficient to crush any rising tides — where no boats or lift is needed or desired.
This election is about much more than trans issues, open borders, fracking, abortions, inflation, race, war or free stuff. All these divisive issues are about diluting the commonality previously found in our society that produces the solidarity of a free people, changing us into a directionless, unhappy, aimless, estranged and shell shocked population that eventually will become more easily subjugated by way of our seeming self division. In other words, while we are frantically arguing the minutia of superfluous issues, we will become so distracted that we will miss the fact that in the doing, we have lost the larger reality of freedom with no chance to correct our oversight.
We are staring at a Critical Mass Scenario and are going to decide in this election which direction we will choose.
If we stop the noise of induced conflict and thus, our division, we will be able to hear the”clanking machine” of subjugation at work. Please Listen!
Be Aware: Should we choose the left in this election, we will have chosen “the End of the Beginning” and will have already begun our trek toward the “Beginning of the End” in reference to our Constitutional Democratic Republic, hands down the most unique and fair form of government known to man. At that point, the left and the right will have to literally eat that crow for a long long time, together, if for no other reason than there may be no other food available.
After the election, as we learn where that ball of Critical Mass lands, there will be new watchwords to consider. Among those many watchwords will be words like Stoicism, Worship, Stagnation, Implosion, Freedom, Subjugation and Anarchy. How will we move forward if we find that we have chosen the collective?
Beware: Be very studious with your vote for it may be your last sacred act toward a continued lifestyle of self determination! There will be no palatable option for reconsideration. Ben Franklin, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, John Hancock, Sam Adams, Paul Revere, Nathan Hale and God beg your thorough consideration for wisdom exercised toward an already hard earned and existing freedom that includes religious freedom and the right to self determination!
At least now, we have the right to argue our issues. If we do not choose wisely, later we will not have that right!
Be double Aware: These are critical decisions that will determine our Critical Mass, if only by inches.
A guy ask me the other day in one of our conversations, “Would you rather know equality and equity at the lowest levels where we all share a forced equality of misery or would you choose, equal opportunity where we can individually change our circumstance based upon our effort and work?
“Remember”, he said, “there are three kinds of fowl in the field, there are those whose wings have been clipped in the name of equality that have to be fed by a master, there are those that choose the freedom to seek, find and enjoy a well earned meal and there are those that choose to hang out and wait for the decaying left overs.”
It is really pretty simple, isn’t it? “Do not vote for clipped wings! At least the bird that chooses to wait for left overs still has a choice!
I’m afraid you’re spot on about 2 choices. The irony is that the 20th c. allowed us to watch that exact experience in Russia and several other countries. It just doesn’t work, for it destroys personal incentive–in economics and politics. You’re spot on, Pondering Patriot.
Thanks Al, We can also look at Venezuela and Cuba. Most folks look no farther than their local grocery store.