
We begin a countdown to the return of the America that we cherish.  The land of the free and the home of the brave.  We want to work, strive toward a wholesome goal and prosper through effort, dedication with innovation.  We want all to contribute to the extent of their energy and capability.  That is called, inclusion!  That is called equity!  That is called diversity!  That is called success!

We are not in the welfare business.  Give a man a fish, feed him for a day, give a man fishing gear and teach fishing, feed a man for his lifetime.  He will eventually buy fishing boats, a dock, a warehouse, an ice maker, a truck and hire seafood processors.

We do not understand “holier than thou” ignorance that brings forth obtuse action feeding debt, crime, sexual confusion, homelessness or violent lawlessness.  Policies that engender these debacles are: a lack of control at our borders, sanctuary cities or states, child mutilation in the name of gender confusion and medical greed, recreational abortion, gang rule, lack of housing, rampant drug use, absentee law enforcement, a prejudiced judiciary, a corrupt enabling media and religious persecution.

We are tired of being told that everything that is right is wrong and that everything that is wrong is right and finally, we are tired of being instructed that racial strife is embedded in our society.  Please note that all racial barriers, lack of opportunities and statistics emanate from our government first and are driven by emotion and selfishness, rather than facts.

We are tired of government waste, pork, and the lack of a calculated and firm annual budget.  A minor example is the question as follows:  If we have an FDA then why do we need to award a 3 million dollar outside contract to study Molasses?  Nepotism through outsourcing is unnecessary if the FDA is doing it’s job.

We are confused to find that we continually fund wars and world chaos by regularly distributing foreign aide to our declared enemies.

There is much more that could be listed here.  Attacks on our constitution are a regular pastime, where the 1st, 2nd, and 4th amendments are challenged as regularly as a sunrise occurs.  There is an immorality found in our society that can only be described as satanic and our right to worship is being undermined only to bring forth further social confusion and less cohesion, or more clearly stated, division and the loss of commonality and hope!

The countdown begins:  Only days to go until we slam the door on our present and not so present president, his suspect administration and all these governmental transgressions that continue to divide and separate us from ourselves.

Beware:  Evil will never relent unless we drive it out of our lives together.

Be Aware to all naysayers:  If you can not understand or refuse the intent of our constitution, please relocate to a sanctuary city or state and you can go broke together there in bliss.  When those areas finally implode, choose  China, Russia, Venezuela, Cuba, and many middle eastern countries.  The communists WILL find you a job and the Muslims Will enjoy fresh challenges for their Jihad.

Do not forget all the American funded newly instructed African feminists in Burkina Faso, Mali, and Senegal that will soon be without men and food.   They will need more of your expertise, hoes, your labor and clean water. Take gloves.

The LGBT community will be astounded at the notoriety that they will find in any of these places.  At least for a while they will love the attention.  You will be happier there and we will be happier here!  That is a Win Win opportunity.  We want for you that which you so fervently want!

The countdown begins:  23 days to go!  22 days to go!  21 days to go!