Good  Morning Members and Readers,

Tonight we get word that there is a demonstration to occur before the Democratic Convention starts tomorrow.   In the demonstrating mix are the alphabet people demonstrating for a free Palestine.  They are a confused group to start with but this shows the extent of their confusion.

If the Muslims declaring themselves Palestinian have their way, as per their Jihad, these rainbow people are destined to go off the tenth floor, 1st.  Misguided is one word that comes to mind for all of these folks or we can consider the idea that these rainbow flag people like attention so much that flirting with the reality of an 1800 year old Jihad is a way to truly feel a fresh validating wind in their face, if only for a few moments.

Are these Palestinians desiring freedom from or for Hamas?  Where is or was the country of Palestine? We have never heard of such a country.

How did these people living in Gaza get there.  How did Hamas become the rulers of a people called Palestinians that live on the Israeli land of Gaza?  Was it the Palestinians or their governing body called Hamas that attacked Israel killing some 1200 Jews?  Or are they one and the same?  Who is suppose to free the Palestinians from whom and where is that suppose to happen?.  Confusion does reign!

It is a biblical tale that took two thousand years or more to unfold and now we have the queer ones demonstrating for the jihadist that are pledged to see all infidels, including the queer ones, exterminated in the name of Allah!

It seems that the lemmings and the wildebeest are trampling each other while rapidly moving toward the cliff’s edge to certain death while thousands of virgins are up for grabs in Allah’s heaven.

And we wonder if the last days are near?