Good  Morning,

It is a beautiful day this morning but many will miss this day due to their need to remain a victim and a member of “Club Miserable'”.

It is a shame that so many are still lost in their self pity, some offering emotional displays on public internet, typically ignoring the realities in our country and our striving to renew positivity and equilibrium… achieve a more reliable and stable common sense life.

There are suggestions found on the internet questioning the mental health of the helicopter pilot that was involved in the crash taking some 65 people to their deaths.  When the ceiling for that helicopter is 200 feet of altitude, why was He/She climbing to 350 feet in an area that is clearly a known path for descending air craft landings.  No one is talking so far!  Could it be a clear and purposeful T-Bone event?  How can you miss a CRJ700 Mitsubishi in your face?   It is conjecture but it is a good and reasonable question.

Bernie Sanders grills RFK jr. regarding any potential profits that could be taken for himself as a result of his looming appointment when it is documented that Sanders has reaped big dollars for his campaign from Big Pharma, almost 2 million dollars.  He, Sanders, collected major contributions from Big Pharma and we can conclude that there are reasons they, Big Pharma, would push so hard to keep Sanders in office, though they are not clearly disclosed.  Maybe they just like the way he combs his hair.

Selena Gomez has published for us all, ” a crying moment”, lamenting the poor treatment that “her people” are suffering as a result of their illegal entry into our country never mentioning the rapes, drugs, and deaths dealt to our population by these same folks that she calls, “Her People”.

It is one thing to have a bad morning in the privacy of one’s own home, crying into her mirror as she considers the mess that has become real as a result of these interlopers that are somehow in our country and quite another to publicly perform for us online to demonstrate that she is concerned about these same folks.  One has to question her desired results for such a performance and we think that she has done herself great harm, proving to us that she is but a singer, unhinged and disconnected from the truth.   One more time, the bleeding hearts only see what they want to see while they gather attention for themselves hawking the “like”  button.

We suggest that Gomez find a Shrink in pursuit of inner peace and go back to Mexico where she can better help her errant “people”.  Of course, her recent movie may not help her in that endeavor as she has clearly vilified HER people in that movie and now, has thoroughly painted herself into an inescapable corner.

Why do these actors and singers think that we should give credence to the opinions of such an emotionally stricken group. They are nothing more than experts that know how to play “make believe” and they do get confused betwixed the “pretend” and the “real”.  Please know that the Wizard of Oz was really a fraud, just a fat man behind a curtain with a microphone.

Schumer, Schiff, Warren, et al are showing themselves to be as lost when they harshly question prospective candidates for government office generally accusing in advance these candidates by suggesting some type of future transgressions yet to be seen.  It is an unholy mess as they know better than most how to game the system.  Is it true that a candidate may legally keep any campaign funds left over, unspent? It is said to be so….

We have turned the corner on Woke, DEI, Trans, and Border policies previously perpetrated upon the citizens of this country but we are unfortunately stuck with these unhinged naysayers that still cling to this unattainable utopia that clearly is not in the best interest of anyone.  DEI is probably not a good measure to use when hiring a soldier or an Air Traffic Controller and a hormonally traumatized trans’ individual is probably not a good choice to pilot a Black Hawk helicopter.

There are many people in this country lost to these false hopes and we are going to have to tolerate their meltdown for a while longer until they spontaneously combust.  It will happen!  The unraveling and the heat is already quite evident.

Tim Walz has shown up on the scene to console Democrats for their loss and admits Democratic fatigue. At least this time he was not crying.

He says that losing the election was “Hell” and we think that he is referring to his contribution to that result.  Thanks Tim,  We knew immediately after your fake “Pheasant Hunt” that things would not go well for you. It is a wonder that you did not kill half your film crew and for sure, that any pheasant that you might have seen were under glass.  You are what you have portrayed yourself to be: an over confident, gesturing Elmer Fudd imposter and therein lies most of your problem.

As with Gomez, they will finally exile themselves with their own emotionalism.  It is a harsh road to that result, but we think that that result is right and proper.  It is true with Alec Baldwin, George Clooney, Whoopie Goldberg, Tim Walz and Gomez, all slow on the uptake as they prefer to remain victims and members of “Club Miserable”.