Greetings to Member and Readers,

The media is now saying that some of the Biden Family are suggesting that Joe might need to back away from the presidency.

It is a nice idea that Joe does not run again as it is EVIDENT that he is not up to the job. Working a six hour day interrupted by a two hour lunch is not going to cut it and it is reasonable to believe as time passes that Sleepy Joe will get sleepier. It is a risk just for a few more months to see him finish his existing term and equally alarming to determine just who would be a bigger danger to our country… Sleepy Joe or Cackling Kamala.

Recently, reports state that Hunter is strongly urging his father to fight, run again and win at any costs.

All we have to say about that is———————- DUH! What a surprise! One more selfless request from Hunter!

Beware: Watch for many international incidents or aggressive movement to take place before Trump can take office. These many rogue countries or their terrorist alliances may decide to move on their agenda before November for obvious reasons. We are already seeing heightened terror alerts for various parts of our country and Europe and those alerts are at their highest level as this is written.