Greetings Members and Readers,
In previous writings, we have mentioned “a great deception” that is the major tool in the arsenal of evil… similar to words like deceit or delusion.
Simply stated, we are a needy form of life. Often, we are a curious critter, one that is designed to inquire, search or strive to attain purpose. We are probably most active in our search for purpose when we have a need or a desire that is present but rather undefined. We will search for a path to a goal and as we find many different kinds of paths to that goal, we will question our methods or feel a nagging that our methods may not be healthy. So, we rationalize our actions to fit a narrative that will justify such methods, actions or conclusions and seek out folks that will incline themselves to ease our discomfort with soothing, pretty words that simply help them to accomplish their goals and justify their methods.
We seek commonality thru conformity that will insure that we are one of the group, included and safe within that group. We enable one another to that conformity and feel a comfort as we protect one another in our endeavors satisfied that group activity is vicariously vetted. We begin to feel a group validation.
Because of this need for approval and inclusion, we lose the ability to see through self produced smoke and can easily become victims of great deception and or become the deceiver. These folks can be anyone, especially a politician, a confidant, a preacher, or an old friend, all of these folks known otherwise in some circles as influencers, paid spokesmen and false prophets.
In the Bible there are 60 plus verses on deception, the reason for deception and the acceptance of deception.
copy and paste:
This upcoming Election will demonstrate deception in it’s purist and extreme form. We must strive to see through the deception that is taking place every 10 seconds on various media and when hear the pretty words that are used to describe a candidate and their absent policies for what they are: Feel good empty words like Hope, Change, Joy are very different from policy. They are nouns without Verbs or adjectives without nouns or verbs. There is no policy in feelings.
To keep our country safe, secure, and strong we must understand that good policy on Borders, Economy, Inflation, Crime, Education, Freedoms, The rule of law, and Opportunity are those words that will fulfill hope and produce change and Joy.
It can not be the other way around. One does not receive a trophy by hoping to win or joy because we almost will won. NO! We have to make a plan to win and follow it thru to good outcome. The game played will determine where the hope and joy might land.
Those that are spouting off wonderful nouns, adjectives and meaningless word salads so as to claim your vote may not really have your best interest at heart. They simply want your vote so they may achieve their best interests and goals. Vetting candidates is critical. Understand their background and from what conformity they use to move through life.
Harris’s father is a Marxist economist, a professor of Marxism and from Jamaica. Karl Marx is the man that wrote the book, The Communist Manifesto. Marx wrote of communists’ means, methods and ways to move others to Marxism through psychological manipulation, half truths positioning Marxism as a savior rather than a destroyer. Harris’s father must have had influence on her as demonstrated by her meaningless jargon that are only feel good words or phrases that have no weight. Lofty words of hope, joy, feelings and unity have no meaning if we never learn how we are unifying or for what reason or goal.
Tim Walz, the democratic candidate for VP, has been to China 30 times in roughly 40 years and has apparently found a home away from home. He purportedly leans to communist Marxism and has been uncovered with some of his emotionally charged antics and exaggerations regarding his achievements. Toting a gun into harms way was not a real truth, for example. Ending up a volunteer football coach is not the same as The Head Coach with a perfect game plan that is paid for his expertise.
The point is that both of these candidates should give us pause regarding their real feelings learned early in their lives and how that influence affects their goals for us.
We feel that both of these candidates are great deceivers and are tied much too closely to a form of government that denies personal freedoms, property ownership and self determination.
So, in simple conclusion, we Hope that they are discovered as inept wolves in sheep’s clothing where the only Joy to be had will be their defeat. They ARE the ultimate example of great Deception. Be careful what you vote for or you might get it.
Your hope could be crushed and your Joy will never materialize. You will feel betrayed and subjugated as Comrade Kamala finds her Hope and Joy come to fruition on the heels of our subjugation.
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