Our hearts swell when we see a real leader in Action!
For many years, most of us that endured the illness of Democratic leadership that drove us all into the ground with their insane attempts at governing are finally realizing that we, the stinky MAGA Nation and Trump have saved America.
It seemed that issues of government, no matter how mundane or how catastrophic were always answered with some social declaration that required large $$ for morphing to electric cars (when there was no charging stations anywhere then and now) or some trans issue or some ignoring of the border debacle. Never was the issue at hand met with head on action with deliberate focus on that single issue. One can buy a lot of boiled Smelt fish with 250 billion dollars. That is the price tag to date in California.
When politics gets in the way of government in tandem with emotional and cultural rationalization, what you get are North Carolinian conservatives ignored by FEMA, when you give away Fema funds to assist illegals to break into our country, you get American born refugees from a hurricane, freezing with no shelter, no clean water, no food with few funds or clothes.
When you stock pile 50 million dollars to ” Trump Proof ” your state, what you get is a Trump proof state exactly when you need him the most and maybe it will be a big problem that your arrogance IS the one obstacle difficult to overcome in the face of this fire disaster. In a state that is so ridden with debt that fire dept. equipment goes without repair and fire fighting water is absent, 50 million dollars will fix a lot of trucks, purchase a lot more water pressure, if you have water.
We received a comment from an article written just a day ago about individuals stuck in the endeavor of striving for misery. Here is the copy of that comment.
—-“I do recall, Pondering Patriot, when you said many years ago that Someone was never happy unless she was miserable. Lot’s of wisdom there. And in one of John Adam’s favorite verses: Proverbs 19:3 “The foolishness of man ruins his way, and then, his heart rages against the LORD.”—-The point of your musings, then and now, and of Adam’s favorite verse is to avoid responsibility in life. If it’s someone else’s fault, there is little I can do”
This comment is spot on and is what has become a norm in our country, simply because we have become so ingrained to misery, our muscle memory goes straight to that repetitive movement which will continue to keep us a victim. As a victim, we can not hold ourselves responsible and thus, we can avoid positive WORK that will cure the problem while we blame everyone but ourselves.
Newsom just showed up to meet Trump at the airport, uninvited, pandering for Trump’s attention after the recent nationally televised declaration that he, Newsom will “Trump proof” California from his(Trump’s) conservative efforts to put our country on a more positive path to success and security.
But for our good breeding, we would have said that “we hope that he was successful so that Trump would be prevented helping the state of California, especially since Newsom has consciously ignored Trump’s recommendations regarding water sources and mitigations regarding fire prevention in that state”. But there are other considerations like the citizens of California and the innocent victims of these fires, so we won’t share that.
These same citizens and victims of these fires have a choice to choose better leaders in the future or they can continue their destructive ways and once again become the very unhappy victims of their choices. Purposely diverting or not routing 114 billion gallons into Southern Cal is probably ego idiocy for all involved and for Newsom and his ego. He thinks he is at a giant RAVE party where anything goes that will stimulate votes for himself usually via cultural or emotional issues that will not put out a fire.
It is a wonderful thing to see Trump doing his thing accomplishing more in 4 days than the lame brained Democratic leadership did in 4 years.
The epiphany is that suddenly we are beginning to see and understand just how corrupt and obtuse this previous admin really was.
Trump stopped the flow of illegals in 12 hours, something that Biden could not do in 1400 days. Kamala was no help at all as she was too busy re-arranging quotes for her TV time with word salads from the Communist Manifesto.
In time, these revelations are going to become more and more numerous where there will need to be some discussions about treasonous activity infecting the whole of our governmental institutions, pretty much for the entire span of the Biden term. Who knows where that will take us but the consensus here is that “heads should roll, people should be fired and prosecuted, and the department of education and Fema should be shut down permanently” for starters. The states can do a better job administrating to themselves and when their actions are less than desirable, that state will have to suffer the inabilities of their elected and appointed leaders. Assuredly, the voting booth will repair those woes, ” toute suite “. We need to vote to fix problems as opposed being driven to an agenda that is about emotionalism like abortion or DEI. Neither of those cultural issues will put out a fire or direct water into the fire hydrants.
May God bless America, the voters of America, the constitution of the USA, and TRUMP.
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