Greetings to Members and Readers,
We should be interested in the Truths that are becoming more evident in our lives because We are getting very close to the cliff looming before us, in the world and more specifically in the USA.
While many of us are still worried about public restroom labeling, the installation of tampon vending machines in male restrooms and funding trans-sexual surgery for prisoners, we have become distracted and estranged from those axioms that offer us opportunity to sustain ourselves. How is it that when faced with so many challenges today that we concern ourselves with such triviality. How is it that we the people become responsible for a prisoner’s sex change?
And then there is food! Most of us do not think about food. Well, we do think about the price of food but the intricacies of getting it to our table is important and fragile.
Food producers have become a big FIVE corporations that own, control, or dominate most of the food production that we eat. Any other foods of quantity come from afar and are probably brokered to us through them. Quality is being slowly sacrificed to genetic manipulation and bio-engineering, away from wholesome foods in preference to pretty products that are no longer healthy, tasty, durable or affordable.
Distribution and supply lines for those foods are being attacked with skyrocketing costs of insurance, fuel, etc. and truckers are confronted with a lack of diesel or a move to unreliable and expensive EV vehicles where fewer and fewer truck drivers can participate. At the same time there are not so sublime attacks on our food stocks. Too many cows in the world, too many chickens in the world, they say! Suddenly major chicken producers have suffered unexplainable fires that have destroyed vast facilities that house and nurture chicken production. What an interesting co-incidence!
Fruits and vegetables, according to nature’s plan consist of 20 some versions or strains, have been reduced to 4 strains of that particular vegetable, like corn, where there is no back up plan if those few strains suffer a blight. Nature provides alternative strains that might survive any blight but now, with genetic interference, there are no corn strains to take up the slack. Moreover, we are becoming dependent upon foreign stocks of agriculture grown in other countries that do require a supply line from there to our kitchens. When the delivery of those perishables is interrupted, that product will perish while on the supply vine.
Longshoremen are striking for a 40-60% raise because they are unhappy that they make only 80k per year, where some with overtime, make 160K + per year. Regardless of the validity of their righteous decision to strike for more money, our supply lines in a global economy will become clogged, backed up and stagnant at our port terminals. Shelves will become near empty and prices will climb higher. Truck drivers will have no loads to transport and languish to their near financial demise. This is the type of supply line that can interrupt food supply to our detriment, all of this in the face of thousands of failed local truck farmers that have been driven out of business in recent decades.
Another relative issue is stress. Stress on our economy, stress on our psyche, stress on our wallets, and stress on our income especially given our rising personal debt these days.
The news today stated that Americans are feeling 40% more stress than ever before and no wonder. Just listen to the division and events shown on our newscasts: war and rumor of war, nukes possibly spinning up at any moment, earthquakes, international viruses, global warming, terrorists now living amongst us, the absence of police, campus demonstrations led by paid Jihadists, inflation, storms, food supply lines interrupted, secret service ineptitude, assassination plots and attempts, political spin which simply translates to the purposeful misrepresentation of facts, and a national debt that is out of control where repayment is never considered and all of this sensationalized to the max in effort to sell one more advertisement by various type medias. For anyone with his head above ground, these above mentioned things are stressful.
The illegals that have come into this country by border crossings or by discreet “invitation” and a plane ticket are quietly getting American jobs, displacing Americans almost one to one. 12 million jobs lost by Americans = 12 million jobs gained by illegal immigrants. That should get some attention because as we continue to distract ourselves with the trivialities of the woke, we are becoming wards of a state that can not afford to take care of us. We spend a third of our tax revenue on interest payments and a third on social services, ( I. E. medicare, medicaid, food stamps, etc.) For astute laymen not to mention seasoned politicians, such a spread sheet is simply not sustainable.
Further, if we began to pay back 35 trillion dollars at a trillion dollars per year, it would take 35 years to pay it off. We would inundate the world with so many dollars that prices would go up 1000 percent and no one would be interested in getting paid with dollars that are so plentifully worthless Currency implosion. There is a difference between inflation and currency devaluation. We are experiencing both.
Maybe we should begin to pay more attention to our hard earned reality and dispense with the effort and wasted resources distributed to us as ridiculous attempts by our pitiful leaders to appease a populous that has no chance under these continued circumstances.
If AI was ask a direct, clean question in regard to our future given the facts that we have earned for ourselves as a nation today, the computer would probably short out and explode if AI could laugh or the answer printed out in a nano-second would be short and sweet. NO CHANCE!
Until we get back to some sort of personal responsibility and begin toting our own individual weight, until we find a leadership that will stop playing games with a contrived deck of cards, we can expect a lot more stress down the road. WE, the people, the executive, the judicial, the legislative, and our co-operative selfish expectancy have Killed the golden goose previously known as These United States Of America. Our leaders, all of them, over the last 40 years have driven this country into a place that makes our prospects for recovery slim to none. Such a statement is a difficult, heartbreaking, incredible and unimaginable acknowledgement. But we all know it.
We are a naive and arrogant people, expecting and demanding that which we have not earned, pretending to replace God with our manipulations of nature, (weather, food and clean water) while we attempt to create a computer that will tell us what to do and how to do it, all the while stacking the code with selfish influence to gain the answers that we want to hear.
If you still do not “GET” what I am talking about, take a quick trip to western NC or west coast FLA right now and you will see the beginning life style that we are all going to know one day soon. It is called a Reckoning! No one is asking if there are tampons in the men’s bathroom in Cedar Key and no one is asking if the crews bringing in food and water to western NC are DEI. So, we discover once again that which is important when it all comes down to the nitty gritty: Food, water, iodine and on a good day, a band aide.
We have an empty suit supposedly running the country, and a giggle girl trying to take his place accompanied with Bozo the gesturing clown as VP candidate that in spite of all the above mentioned truths, seem to think that hope will bring us joy.
Instead of building 3 million new homes with fake money that no one can afford, perhaps the joy will be found in little packs of garden seed, some garden spaces for lease for townies, water filters and a hoe. Since it is all fake money, how about a 10 million chain saws to cut firewood for winters to come. Surely, China will take our dollars one more time to accomplish these gifts of survival if they can find a supply line that will deliver them
Note: 35 trillion dollars laid end to end would stretch to the Sun and back 15 times. In miles, that is roughly 3 billion miles of dollar bills. 1 trillion dollars stacked would reach 2 million miles in height.
The bad news is that we really owe more than three times 35 trillion when considering unfunded liabilities like medicare, medicaid, social security etc.
Be Aware: There is no pleasure in delivering these facts of our reality to you and there are few suggestions to remedy these real issues.
It is true that the very debt that we owe is protecting us from implosion because paying the loans off will be worse than living with such debt. It is a ridiculous quagmire but perhaps, electing someone that can and will move us away from these practices might be a good beginning. If not, get your seeds, your hoe and your hope ready for duty.
Meanwhile, many of us need to start considering a cooperative truck farm start up where we can buy and sell local grown food stuffs, flour and milk and some butter. Our Grandfathers and Great Grandfathers and for many Great Great Grandfathers lived that way and today, that notion warms my heart and could warm my house and my table. It truly was a better way to get through the day. At the “curb market” as we called it, there were fresh string beans, collards, okra, butter beans, tomatoes, cabbage, butter, cakes, pies, puddings and various types of bread. Fixins’ to surely brighten up the kitchen table for a few days with good quality, naturally grown foods by local friends and acquaintances. And then, there was the seafood market and the butcher. Same experience, a fresher, better way to know nourishment both with foods and community.
In this reminiscing, it is important to reach back and rediscover that our government was never designed to care for it’s people, for in that scenario we become dependent working serfs for the elite. We might as well have remained a colony of the British!
Our government was designed to enhance infrastructure for trade and to protect us from such dishonest, irresponsible and elitist tyranny that we find in our government today! It seems that in our apathy, sloth and need that we have allowed or encouraged our present day predicament!
Beware: It is almost nitty gritty time. We “should” be feeling stressed and searching for actions that we can take as individuals to at least feed ourselves. Hope is not going to make a ham sandwich, a warm fire or meds for the diabetic.
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