Good Morning Members and Readers,
This morning we learn that in the face of some pretty serious issues in Florida and North Carolina that FEMA has barely showed up. Our astute presidential candidate has just now showed up in these areas, a week late, to determine the damage and infrastructure issue in both areas. This is about folks that have nowhere to go or can not get there if they did. They have no food, no safe water to drink, no refrigeration, no AC, no cell service, no gas, if their car has survived the floods, rain and wind.
Many are injured, infections are likely even for a simple abrasion. They might be able to boil water if they can find a pot and start a fire with water logged wood, straw or leaves. They are in real trouble.
And Guess What? It is being reported that Biden and Harris have siphoned off Fema funds that were set aside for such emergency expenses. This includes manpower to assess damage to determine immediate need. They are to provide Red Cross services, medicinal supplies, air evac, air supply, especially in difficult terrain like 5000 foot mountains and valleys where the roads and bridges have been washed away. It is a real life threatening event that needs immediate attention. Imagine not having food or water for a week. Fema should have been on sight in both areas in 24 hours, 36 would have been stretching it.
But FEMA funding has been “SPENT” for illegal immigrant needs like $500 a day hotel rooms, free cell phones, a $500 debit card and buses to shuttle these folks around town where ever they may be, like Springfield, OHIO. Note: there are no ducks left in the city park lake area. Where did the ducks go? Maybe they went south!
The Federal Emergency Management Agency has inadequate funds to help these thousands of Americans in their time of dire need! And the Federal Petroleum Emergency Reserve has 70% less oil as well. What in hell are the leaders of our country thinking?
Right, they are not thinking, not managing, and not expediting these life preserving goods so dearly needed by these victims of such an unusual storm. But never worry, various confused prisoners can get a sex change operation if they choose to do so and then they can move on to a female prison and fit right in. Thank God for that!
A vote for Kamala is just a written assurance of things to come and if we think this is bad, just wait until the longshoreman’s strike takes hold. We will all need water and food and meds within weeks if this situation persists and goes long.
The ineptitude shown by our leaders is just unfathomable, heart breaking and very dangerous to our welfare as a whole.
Where is the sanity in an endangered world with crazed Jihadists that have their fingers hovering over their newly minted nuclear button… But then, it would be nice to have a female woman of color as president because we will then be assured of tampon availability in most public male restrooms. No water, no food, no meds but we will be able to accommodate all those menstruating men all over our country. Phew!
Kamala showed up in NC today, a week late wearing a FEMA Jacket, “#%*+”, in an effort to shun profanity, I will just say that she is not worthy to wear such a jacket!
Be Aware: These many facts describing life in our country today are the beginnings of the death throes seen in a country where preparedness has been given over to reaction, where triviality prevails over functionality and where the needs of the people are usurped by the previous actions or inaction of an inept leadership. Sooner or later, La La land always morphs into the hell of reality. We have arrived!
Beware: China has as 500 year plan, Russia has a 50 year plan and We the People are led by a group that has a 10 minute plan if they can find some spare change in their limo ashtray.
Yep. You, Pondering Patriot, are experiencing the downside of federalism–which I supported many years ago.
It’s very humbling to consider what North Carolina would have done with all the tax money it has sent to the federal government since the Civil War. Do you think there’d have been a more organized, more equipped, more concerned response to the destruction of entire NC towns by this hurricane? North Carolinians care about North Carolina more so than about illegal immigrants in Chicago. Yep, slow response by FEMA is a downside of federalism.