Readers, only 4 days to go and we will be officially a Trump Nation once again.

We look forward to fast action, a multitude of Executive Orders on day one, changes in departmental leadership, the official end of DEI and more official groaning from the left.  Tim ” the gesturing fool” is no where to be seen, Kamala is pouting and angry with O’Bummer and Dr. Jill,  Biden still does not know where he is and Nancy, Hillary and Oprah are clinging to their blue chips, land acquisitions and a Medal of Freedom. Thank God we are finally ridding ourselves of them at great costs to every realm of our society.

Biden’s speech writer is very obtuse with contradicting comments in the farewell speech and that jerks us back to the word salads of the last 4 years.  He gives the Medal of Freedom to George Soros and then calls Musk a dangerous Oligarchy, he speaks of the Military Industrial Complex as a danger after he runs the Dept of Defense Budgets to dangerously low levels and poisons both entities with DEI.   Then, he blames the fires in California on Climate Change rather than lack of water, equipment, dry terrain and Santa Anna winds.  He portrays himself as a beloved sage walking away into the sunset when 70% of us wish he would vaporize instantly on a cloudy day.  This very group are liken to an unlicensed captain guiding a ship of fools that have chosen more unisex bathrooms rather than adequate lifeboats for the same vessel.

The psychosis of the left shows itself in the confirmation hearings with pumped up female anger and men that feel that they can show their authority by being toxic, combative and rude, coupled with a holier than thou attitude, all the while suggesting that Trumps’ nominees are very unqualified and incapable to change the DEI, Woke and Lawfare insanity presently found in the Dept. of Defense, the DOJ and at the border.  Such bravado just demonstrates the unhinged state of some in our Senate that are still in power.  We must attend to that in 2026.  They are a public embarrassment to our nation and to the notion of decorum while overtly pandering to their stricken and dwindling voter base.

The California fires are still raging, Woke and DEI are nothing more than scorched monuments among the ashes and heaps of rubble. Multiple corporate entities are daily shedding the yoke of DEI, finding it no longer necessary to play the charade of upside down business practices by simply hiking prices to accommodate such backward corporate postures with unnecessary costs to do business led by the incompetent.

To prove just how delusional these California leaders are, they have prevailed to create an anti-Trump legal fund to fight all Trump efforts to return to common sense government where preparedness can yield to their citizens, safety, security and sanitation thru effective infrastructure.

Gavin is spitting in Trump’s face just days before he has to beg for federal food, temporary housing for 100,000 people, safe drinking water for half of the state and some sort of secure existence for the victims of his poor governance.  Once again, we the people have to anti-up for the ignorant actions or the lack of actions of a brain dead government.

Newsom will go the way of Trudeau, the Mayor will be recalled and perhaps enough heads and hearts have been turned that good government will prevail in short order but no matter the optimism generated in the near future, this event in California will take decades to sort out.  This is the continuing saga of California’s “Boom Or Bust” history.

Collect your insurance check if possible, buy a vehicle and GO East young man, Go East!  Sadly, L.A. is literally, Toast and there are still the looming mudslides, drought, floods, winds and earthquakes yet to be experienced.  These are facts and facts can be inconvenient, contrary and sobering things, like it or not!

We will clamor with joy when these pumped up incompetents presently running our Federal government are left behind in our common sense dust.

We have endured some twelve years watching our leaders try their best to destroy this most resilient country and we can never allow ourselves to be duped again to such ridiculous social change that simply was engineered to cloak the intent of our leaders to reduce us to a 3rd world country while leaving the evidence in place that they were acting upon the cries of the people.  That is Marxism at it’s finest!

Ask the Venezuelans, they can report first hand how this type of exercise worked out for them!  A one time free nation of wealth and the founder of OPEC has been reduced to a hand to mouth existence in it’s lowest form.