Greeting this early morning,
The holidays are over and there is the tree that is still not taken down, trash cans filled still not picked up at the roadside, and a fatigue has set in that is not satisfied yet. 1st of the month bills are showing up in the mail that are probably late and we are about to see real winter in a few days depending on where you live.
Even more disgusting is watching Biden trying his best or should we say that his handlers are trying their best to salvage something of the outgoing president’s legacy. Jail time commutations, out and out pardons for generally the wrong people, Hunter is just absent, Medals of Freedom issued to a group that have been attacking freedom for the last 12 years and then, there is death on Bourbon Street on New Years Eve.
It is frustrating to come down off an election high, a holiday season that just did not seem quite comfortable and to see a radical rearing it’s head on the eve of a brand new year. The sad and needless injury and death of a few local Nola residents, a few tourists, and a bunch of Sugar Bowl fans makes no sense and accomplishes nothing but the further hardening of our hearts toward this evil that seems to live everywhere among us.
We did learn that the city fathers of New Orleans are eaten up with DEI, the woke and plenty of excuses to demonstrate that they, as in many other cities in our country are unprepared, incompetent and in denial for a reality that is HERE, one that will plague us for many months or years to come. This evil is one that we do not want to acknowledge but we have to embrace it for is it before us.
It is easy to become disheartened after just a few days of our new year but we must look ahead, just 15 more days when things will begin to change quickly.
We elected a new Speaker in the House of Representatives in just a few hours and there is hope that there will be seen a new cohesion within that group rallying with a determination to get things on a common sense track in the immediate future.
We did win the election and that is all good but we must remember that the clash between the contrary forces in our country still lives. We must have the fortitude to push forward with a no nonsense agenda that will begin to correct, crush and criminalize those actions and actors that have heretofore been treated as “the new Norm” that gets a judicial pass and a well funded probation. These attacks as found on Bourbon Street are cowardly attempts to rattle our cultural cage and to rattle our resolve through fear. It is important to understand that they feel a greater fear now that our direction is more defined to root these folks out and dispense with them.
It is not normal to speed thru a world famous “pedestrian” street specifically to hurt, cripple and kill revelers celebrating the New Year and/or football fans that enjoy watching the beginning crescendo of annual college foot ball contests. It is not normal to continue or to cling to lame policies like DEI when the country has just elected a new administration that has professed, along with many corporate entities, that DEI does not work in our culture or in capitalism; it is just another way to lift the inept to a position many levels above their capabilities for all the wrong reasons.
It is not normal to kill unborn children or to use that practice as a form of belated contraception and it is not normal to drive through a crowd of people just to kill, especially when some of those dead and injured could have been Muslim.
It is not very strange to see and hear many of the left’s talking heads ” f ” bombing the victors of the recent election but now are succeeding only to prove further their fear and their psychosis that so clearly exists within our press and some of our population. They FEAR losing their relevance and thus, their ID. If they lose their Victim status, how will they survive being forced to know a real introspective moment, a moment that reveals to them that they just no longer matter! We can dance around the term so as to subconsciously avoid the truth but the truth is that all of these antics are simply Evil incarnate. Wars have begun when this sort of stuff becomes normal. Holy wars were about this same stuff —- book, chapter and verse — only because certain groups insist on living in the miserable state of existence of destruction and death.
We must not let go and be drawn back into the helplessness and hopelessness that we felt in late October and rally around the fact that these events of late are really the last death throes seen of the psychotic left and radicals everywhere. This may be the beginning our own weeding out of the lazy, unprepared, selfish, ignorant, malicious and mentally ill folks who believe that happiness and contentment can only be enjoyed if someone else suffers for it.
We say, Nay! A rising tide lifts all boats.
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