Good Morning Members and Readers, It seems that the cap is off the bottles of havoc, insanity, bedlam and babel. If there are entities listening to our worldwide and national conversations via our sky waves, they must be concluding that we are not much more than a...

Ain’t It Great?

Good Morning Members and Readers, This morning we learn that in the face of some pretty serious issues in Florida and North Carolina that FEMA has barely showed up.  Our astute presidential candidate has just now showed up in these areas, a week late, to determine the...

Alert, Alert to Present Day Realities

Greetings to Members and Readers, We should be interested in the Truths that are becoming more evident in our lives because We are getting very close to the cliff looming before us, in the world and more specifically in the USA. While many of us are still worried...

Beware of Great Deception

Greetings Members and Readers, In previous writings, we have mentioned “a great deception” that is the major tool in the arsenal of evil… similar to words like deceit or delusion. Simply stated, we are a needy form of life. Often, we are a curious...

A Rare Personal Note!

Greeting Members and Readers. On a rare personal note: I searched for 6 months trying to find the car of my dreams that would consolidate my need for two vehicles, one for transport and one for transporting stuff, boats, campers, trailers. I found it, went to look at...

What Have We Become?

Greetings Members and Readers We are moving mechanically through our daze (days) in a funk much like the soldier that sits disconnected from real time consciousness.  We see him and note the 1000 yard stare. He is not really seeing anything while his eyes see...

Discerning the Truth and the Suspension of Disbelief

Greeting Members and Readers, We all cling to that which we believe to be the truth using the tools that we own to help us find and make real that clarity. Needless to say, our tool bags differ from one another, depending on how we acquired those tools.  If we have...

Warm and Fuzzy Lil’ Yellow School Buses

Good Morning  Members and Readers, Our Vice President and Candidate for President has stated in one of her word salads just how much she loves a yellow school bus.  She went on and on. We suppose that was to be a diatribe meant to stir nostalgic, warm and fuzzy...

DNC Full of _ _ _ _ um, Hope

Greetings Members and Readers, For us, watching the Democratic National Convention is painful, like chewing Tin Foil or seeing upfront and close the demise of our country take root, using emotionalism as the fertilizer to embrace words of misnomer as the watering of...

Confusion Reigns

Good  Morning Members and Readers, Tonight we get word that there is a demonstration to occur before the Democratic Convention starts tomorrow.   In the demonstrating mix are the alphabet people demonstrating for a free Palestine.  They are a confused group to start...