The California Fires 8 Days To Go

Greetings, Biden is still spouting off weird incoherent mutterings about how He could have won the election and then how Kamala could have won the election (what ever that means) but we think he is blaming the Demo machine and the handlers that wrote all the wrong...

13 Days to Go

Greetings this morning! Uncle Joe has been stumbling around for several years, hiding in the basement, invisible to the public, limited to scripted comments (where he even screwed them up) , falling up the steps to Air Force One and falling off his bicycle, shaking...

14 Days to Go

Greeting this early morning, The holidays are over and there is the tree that is still not taken down, trash cans filled still not picked up at the roadside, and a fatigue has set in that is not satisfied yet. 1st of the month bills are showing up in the mail that are...

Biden shows himself, HE is in complete control?

Good Morning, Goodness! Just 19 days to go! Biden has come to the mic this morning to let us know (2 days late) that he has directed his team to get to the bottom of all this horror in New Orleans and that we should not jump to conclusions.  Uh!  The guy had a ISIS...

Countdown to Aggressive Positivity, 23 days to go.

Greeting, We begin a countdown to the return of the America that we cherish.  The land of the free and the home of the brave.  We want to work, strive toward a wholesome goal and prosper through effort, dedication with innovation.  We want all to contribute to the...


Merry Christmas, It is a phrase that causes many different feelings for us, among them a remembrance of those gone before us, of warm hearths, or an empty chair at our dining table.  It is a busy time with much effort spent to bring forth a few hours of bliss. It is a...

Congratulations America

Good Morning, We wanted to take the time to express to the Trump supporters our thanks for coming together as one “American” people on voting day to elect Mr. Trump as president of the USA. It was a shock to the left, to the naysayers, the woke, the...

The Plunderers

Good Morning, For 4 years we have often finished up another Fox News Alert and doubted the validity of that newscast.  We thought the alert might be a bit of a stretch, too sensational, conservative spin, or just accusatory conjecture.  We thought Biden not wired up...